Stats: I’m not even going to try and guess.
We call you… : Beanie Baby. Bean. Franny. Francie.
Clothes: You’re definitely in 12-18 month clothes, but more 18 than 12. Still in size 3 shoes and size 4 diapers.
Sleep: You really started fighting naps this month. Some days it was a struggle to get you to go down at all! You’re tired, but you don’t want to miss anything. Usually we can still get two solid naps out of you (around an hour per). You go down for the night at 7:30 p.m., and you usually sleep 12 hours.
Favorites: Food (any and all), Moana, being outside, your sister and the cat.
About You:
– You’re up to EIGHT teeth. Four on top, and four on bottom. Your grin makes you look like such a big girl now.
– I told the doctor at your nine month appointment that I was a little concerned you weren’t crawling yet. I kid you not, that same evening you decided to crawl like it was no big thing. You heard me, I know you did. But, beyond crawling, you’re now pulling up and climbing on EVERYTHING. You seem to think you can walk, because you just launch yourself out of our arms. You can stand on your own occasionally, but only when you’re distracted.
– Moana is by far your favorite thing that appears on our television. I can sit you on the ground in the living room, start the movie, and you don’t even move for 20 minutes. You love everything about it.
– You eat about three times more food than your sister at every meal. If your sister eats half a chicken nugget, you eat the remaining three. Meat, cheese, eggs… you cannot get enough.
– You’re SO ticklish. Like, SO.
– You’re almost starting to talk. You say “da da” and “ma ma,” “ba ba” and “night night”, and have started trying to say “all done” after meals.
– You do this clicking noise with your tongue ALL THE TIME. It’s pretty adorable.
– Momma has almost entirely switched you to whole milk. Is that a no-no? Yes. But with the amount you eat, I think we’re safe weaning you from formula a month or two early. Momma is enjoying not spending $30 every five days. #secondchildproblems
We love you baby girl. Always and forever.
Frances Month-By-Month:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Dorothy Month-By-Month:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
She is too precious!!! Seriously!! And now that she’s crawling… watch out world! It’s a whole different ballgame to have two kids on the move, isn’t it?!