Stats: 19.5 lbs. and 27 inches. That’s a total and complete guess.
We call you… : Beanie Baby. Francie. Franny.
Clothes: You’re wearing 12 month everything, and size 3 shoes. When you wear shoes, that is – which is rare.
Sleep: The last month or so, you have been waking up at least once in the early morning hours for another bottle. Momma upped your ounces, so that seems to have helped a bit. But, overall, you’re still sleeping 12 hours a night with 2-3 naps per day.
Favorites: Cheerios, your Joovy Spoon walker, any toy that lights up or makes noise, your sister and the cat.
About You:
– Still only two teeth, but you’re definitely working on more. I have a feeling a couple more are going to pop through any day now.
– You sit up like a champ. Momma still surrounds you with pillows, though, because you’re known to take a header when I least expect it.
– You aren’t crawling yet, but it’s coming. You can get wherever you want by rolling and scooting, but you’re not up on all-four’s that often yet. You crawl backwards, which makes you extremely frustrated to be going in the opposite direction from whatever you’re trying to reach.
– You have started eating finger foods. So far, you have had bananas, blueberries, green beans, pasta, cheese and scrambled eggs. And french fries, because your mom is a real health nut.
– You and your sister shared your first real illness this past month. High fevers, vomiting, and general yuckiness. It was not a fun time for anyone.
– You discovered your nose. So, naturally, one finger is usually stuck in your nostril.
– Frances, you are still the most laid-back baby we have ever met. Don’t change. Ever.
We love you baby girl. Always and forever.
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