Age: 4 months
Stats: 15 lbs. 2 oz. (75th percentile), 24.75 inches (51st percentile), and 43.25 cm head circumference (96th percentile). You’re a growing girl, with big brains! 😉
We call you… : Franny Belle. Bean. Francie.
Clothes: You’re definitely in 6 month clothes now, and sometimes even 6-9 months! You grew a ton over the last month or so, but that’s to be expected because you are CONSTANTLY eating. You’re still in size 2 diapers, but that could change soon as well.
Sleep: You usually have solid 1-1.5 hour naps in the morning and afternoon, and sometimes you get 45 minutes – 1 hour after dinner. You pretty much take all of your naps in your swing or your car seat when we’re on the go. You go to bed around 9 p.m., swaddled and in your crib, and you sleep 10-11 hours straight.
Favorites: You are mesmerized by Disney Junior and football games on television. You love your play mat, and can already reach up to grab the hanging toys. And, of course, you’re a huge fan of your daddy.
About You:
– We’re still waiting on those teeth! On average, you soak through a bib and two onesies every day. The drool is REAL around here.
– Your big sister gave you a nasty cold this month. Your nose was totally stuffed – which made you not be able to drink a bottle, or sleep in your crib, or breathe without snorting. You even had several exorcisum-like incidents involving screaming and a terrifying amount of spit up. But, we all survived, and you’re back to being your happy self.
– Speaking of, you are the smiley-est baby we’ve ever seen. Even when you were sick. You’re just so darn happy all the time. Your grin, which lights up your entire face, seriously makes our day. And you just talk – ALL the time – because you just want to spread your happiness with everyone!
– You’re ticklish. Especially your feet.
– You’re rolling! And you hate it! You are still just not a fan of tummy time. So you get yourself rolled over, and then you just yell and yell until you can get yourself back on your back. Really, you prefer to be standing up at all times.
– You’re getting too big, too fast. Mommy remembers wishing the time away when your sister was your age (she was not nearly as easy as you are!). But I really wish you would stay this little forever. You’re just perfect for our family.
We love you baby girl. Always and forever.
Frances Month-By-Month:
Dorothy Month-By-Month:
SUCH a sweetie!! I love reading your updates since she and T are almost exactly the same age 🙂 Their measurements are nearly identical which is crazy haha! So glad she is a smiley, happy baby!! It’s definitely going too fast!
She is so cute! Glad I got to meet her.
Aww! She’s such a sweetheart. It’s going by way too fast.