Oh my God, guys.
It was just pointed out to me that I haven’t posted a single thing in three weeks. THREE WEEKS. Who brought it to my attention? Bloglovin. Freaking Bloglovin put a little “21d” next to my last post. Like, “Yo. Cotten Tales. Write something.”
And then Facebook didn’t want to be outdone, so it sent me a nice little notification that said, “Your 410 followers haven’t heard from you in awhile. Post something new!”
So, here I am. I’m writing without any plan because you people deserve something to read. And because I’m not totally in blog mode, here’s a quick and dirty bullet point list of what I’ve been up to lately.
- Well, let’s for starters point out that I started this post three days ago, and only got to here. As soon as I get settled in to write, Frances wakes up from her 20 minute nap. Or Dorothy needs to go potty… or to have her nose blown… or to put her Snow White dress on for the millionth time. Did I mention that on Thursday I realized that I hadn’t eaten a real meal in two solid days? I got mad at my husband this morning because he had time to shower, while I wrangled myself, my greasy hair, and two children out the door for school and grocery shopping before 8 a.m. He said, “You should have taken one last night.” To which I said, “Oh, you mean after I mowed the yard, ate dinner for the first time in two days, gave your kids a bath, put the toddler to bed and then rocked the other until 10 p.m. when she FINALLY passed out because this four month sleep regression might be a real thing?” So, yeah. You could say I’m busy doing absolutely nothing.
- On a happier note, we’re leaving for Walt Disney World soon! We got our MagicBands in the mail today, and it’s safe to say that I’m more excited than my almost-three year old. Our stroller is rented, I’m ordering groceries (read: breakfast and wine) for our hotel room this weekend, and honest-to-God, I considered writing a packing list today. I even bought a tacky glow-in-the-dark skeleton Mickey Mouse t-shirt at Target because obviously I needed it for Halloween at Disney World. Duh. I’m a nut job.
- Go back up one. It’s birthday month in our house! I HAVE AN ALMOST-THREE-YEAR-OLD CHILD. When did that happen? This week I asked Dorothy what she wanted to eat for breakfast. She replied, “Popcorn.” I told her no, obviously. Then she put her hands on her hips, tilted her head, and said with all the attitude in the world, “Well, what do you have?” WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!
- The sickness has FINALLY left our house… sort of. Dorothy had a nasty cold several weeks ago, which she kindly gave to her father, and then to Frances. A three-month-old baby who cannot breathe out of her nose to drink a bottle is NOT a happy baby, in case you were wondering. My husband even made me take her to the doctor, when I entirely knew they couldn’t do anything to help her, because she just sounded that miserable. I was spared this round, but Dorothy came home with a new runny nose this week so we’re not entirely out of the woods just yet. Preschool germs are brutal.
- Um, did a Stitch Fix happen if I don’t write a review on it? Because I received the BEST box of the last three years a few weeks ago, and I didn’t take a single photo. I just didn’t get a chance to do a photo shoot. Knowing what you know now about my showering schedule, you can understand why I didn’t want awkward photos of myself without my hair or makeup done floating around Pinterest. But, whoever my stylist was SLAYED it. I wanted everything – really truly – but I settled on a new pair of dark purple skinnies.
- So we’re headed to The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis’ Black Hat Bash next week with our besties, the Roe’s. We had SUCH a blast a few years ago when we went, that we all decided we just had to attend again this year. I have been working on our family costume, and hopefully I can pull it together in the next seven days. Any guesses as to what the four of us will be attending as? Hint: Disney is definitely on the brain around here. Also, I really, REALLY hate dressing up in costume… so that says a lot about how good this party is.
- Where else have we been lately? Well, Mr. Cotten and I attended his 10 year high school class reunion, and had a shockingly great time. We even agreed to go to the after-party at a local dive bar… which quickly came to a halt when I forgot my ID at home. I think that means I still got it, right? I went with my sister to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra’s Film Series, where we drank champagne and watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with people wearing wizard robes. And it was AWESOME. Dance classes have started, and I’m spending a good four hours each Tuesday in dance mom mode. Kid better win So You Think You Can Dance? or something… Oh, and Winter Guard has started – so I’ll just be over here trying to split myself twelve ways for the next six months or so. If you missed any of that, check my Insta.
And, that’s what I got. Consider yourself now up to speed. 😉
I love a good bullet-point blog post. I probably do them too often, but sometimes it’s just the easiest way to catch up 🙂 I’m SO excited (and also jealous!) of your upcoming Disney trip!!! Jared and I are itching to go back and take T but who knows when that time will actually come. I’ll look forward to hearing how it went with your 2 little ones!
We’re so excited! We’re actually only bringing Dorothy, our oldest. Baby Frances gets to stay with the grandparents for a few nights while we celebrate our almost 3-year-old! 🙂
And now add a new house into the works. Congratulations on the new home. Your daughters are beautiful. What a great life you and Courtney have ahead of you.