Stats: 21 lbs. 4 oz. (92nd percentile), 28 3/4 in. (90th percentile). Your noggin measures at 46 1/2 cm., or the 98th percentile.
We call you… : Beanie. Francie. Franny. Bean.
Clothes: You’re just about to graduate to 12-18 month clothes. You’re still rocking your size 3 Freshly Picked moccs, and we just bumped you up to size 4 diapers.
Sleep: For some reason, you always wake up once a night for a bottle. I don’t think you really need it, but you definitely want it. Your sister went through a similar phase at this age! During the day, you take a morning and afternoon nap, and you’re down for the night around 7:30 p.m.
Favorites: Eggs, your walker, your sister, and Ginny the giraffe.
About You:
– You popped up not one, not two, but THREE new teeth in the last week. That brings your grand total to FIVE. That explains the massive amounts of drool and snot lately.
– You’re still not totally crawling yet. You definitely get up on all fours, and you can go backwards, but you just can’t figure out how to make yourself go forward. I think you may walk before you crawl at this point.
– You have all but moved on from baby food. Once I introduced you to solids, you never looked back. You’re not much of a fruit or veggie girl, but you love your protein. You could eat eggs, meat and cheese for days!
– There is no controlling your hair. It does what it wants. And someday I’ll have to apologize to you for not doing anything about it.
–You have CHEEKS. Total strangers make comments about how big and cute they are. I just want to gobble you up!
– When you get excited, you inhale at a high pitch. It’s so stinking cute.
– In a total second child moment, momma didn’t document your eighth month. I managed to write a post halfway through the month, but I never took eight month photos. Someday I’ll apologize for that, too.
– In my defense, your eighth month was a bit of a doozy. We sold the house we brought you home to from the hospital, renovated our new home AND moved in. You’ve been a total champ through all of the chaos.
We love you baby girl. Always and forever.
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