Want to learn more about Stitch Fix? Start at the beginning and follow my experience so far!
Wedding season is rapidly approaching, people. This summer Courtny and I have a handful of friends who will be tying the knot, in addition to Dorothy making her debut as a flower girl in my beautiful cousin Kayla’s wedding.
Oh, did I mention that I’m co-hosting a bridal shower in a month?
And that I’m attending what will be a ridiculously fun bachelorette party in Chicago this May?
Add in a rehearsal dinner (and you know, the actual ceremonies), and we have a problem.
But what will I wear?!
Cue Stitch Fix #18. I told Stylist Hailey about all of these wedding-related events I have coming up, and asked for styles specifically for those times. These posts seem more fun when you all get to help me decide what to keep, so I have not purchased anything yet. Yay for random Thursday fashion shows!
Also, please excuse the fact that we’re back to awkward selfies. When Stitch Fix goes and sends me my box early, during the week, I have no one to be my photographer in the middle of the day.
41Hawthorn Maxx Sleeveless Illusion Sheath Dress – Small – $78
It might be just me, but I’m loving this dress. Not only could I rock this at a wedding, but I could probably pull this off for a bachelorette party as well. The black details against the green are flattering, trendy, and I daresay sexy. What!? Momma lookin’ hot?!
My only complaint is that I asked for a maxi dress, and this is the only dress in my box. I just wish it was a little more spring/summer-y.
Verdict: Returned
Color: Dark Green
My Pairings:
Necklace | Stitch Fix
Shoes | kelly & katie (old, similar found here)
Renee C Rayne Skirt – Medium – $54
A hot pink twirly skirt!?! This makes me all kinds of happy. It screams spring, and could easily be dressed up or down. Bridal shower hostess to the mostess? I own absolutely nothing like this currently, so maybe it’s a staple piece that needs to be added? Yes?
Verdict: Kept!
Color: Dark Pink
My Pairings:
Necklace | Stitch Fix
Blouse | Stitch Fix
Shoes | kelly & katie (old, similar found here)
Collective Concepts Marilyn Split Neck Blouse – Small – $58
You can also see me wearing this blouse with the Rayne Skirt above. Of course I like it – it’s black and white, patterned and silky. Everything I love.
I also own about 10 of the same thing. Cute, but this probably isn’t finding a home in my closet.
Verdict: Returned
Color: Black
My Pairings:
Necklace | Stitch Fix
Jeans | Flying Monkey
Sandals | Old Navy (old)
Kut From The Kloth Maisha Ponte Drape Front Jacket – Small – $88
Remember last month’s horribly colored moto-jacket? This is a much, MUCH better option for me. Stylist Hailey suggested pairing this with the 41Hawthorn Dress for a bachelorette party, and I have to agree with her. Definitely worthy of a night out in Chi-town!
Verdict: Returned
Color: Dark Grey
My Pairings:
Necklace | Stitch Fix
T-shirt | Target
Jeans | Flying Monkey
Shoes | kelly & katie (old, similar found here)
Bancroft Page Chain Collar Necklace – $36
Oh, hi there. I love this necklace so much that I already bought it. Remember?
And there you have it! Another Fix in the books. So, if you were me, what would you want to keep for your ever-growing closet? I have until Saturday to decide! Help me out!
Two things to note:
1. So many of you made nice comments about my new red hair last month, that I feel the need to give a shout out to the other Stylist Hailey in my life. If you’re local and looking for an adorable new hairdresser, Hailey of Studio 819 is your gal.
2. Speaking of my ever-growing closet… I’m about to do a major spring cleaning purge. I have so many clothes, many of them in like-new condition, that no longer fit me thanks to a dramatic increase and loss of baby weight. Would anyone be interested in a little online resale shop?
To sign up for your own Stitch Fix, click here. Please note that this post is not sponsored by Stitch Fix however I do receive a credit if you sign up using my link.
You need that pink skirt. Buy it.
THAT DRESS IS SUPER SEXY!!! I love it! I love the skirt also! I have no idea how you are going to choose!!!
PS – the mediums you are spring purging to get back into your smalls would definitely be something this newly medium would be interested in buying!
And wouldn’t you know I have a fix scheduled for next Saturday. I need help hahaha.
Get the dress. For.Sure.
And, definitely up for online resale…
I love the pink skirt! And who isn’t up for some online shopping?!
I love the pink skirt and the jacket. Excited to see your choices.
My vote is the hot pink skirt!! I love it & know you will pair it with something cute!
And I think you would get a lot of use out of the black leather jacket–plus I love the cut!!
Hands down. That jacket is freaking amazing and so different! I love it.
P.S I think I need to raid your closet before you go sellin all your cute clothes!
You come help me clean it out, and you can have first dibs!
Definitely the pink skirt! It’s bright, flirty and perfect for summer
My favorite is the pink skirt! Maybe you should think of auctioning of your clothes. Maybe people could bit on them, like ebay.
I’m kind of looking into something like that! It’s an online platform to sell clothing, and I could either do a “Buy It Now” or an auction. I’ll check out eBay too!
Sounds perfect. I guess if you would use ebay you can just link up on your blog to your store and then everyone that is interested could find your clothes.
Love the pink skirt!! I just got my first stitch fix and came across your blog. Love your posts!! thanks for sharing.
Hi! I recently got the Bancroft Page Chain Necklace in my fix as well but cannot figure out how to unclapse it! A few of my friends have tried with no luck. Can you help since you seemed to have figured it out via your pic? Thanks so much!
Hi there! The clasp on my necklace just flips up to unhook (if that makes sense?). Sorry for the lack of detail – it’s hard to explain, but I promise it’s really easy! Leave your email address and I can see you a photo! Definitely my favorite necklace!