Disclaimer: No, Baby C 2.0 is not in the works. Chill, friends and family.
I suffer from what I have determined to be “Phantom Crying Syndrome.” Basically, my ears are straight up liars.
You see, my daughter could be at grandma’s house across town and I could still convince myself that I can hear her. Perhaps the sound of screaming toddler is just burned into my brain. Who knows. But when it’s 3 a.m. and I’m laying in bed wide awake trying to decide if my kid really is crying in the next bedroom or if my ears are playing another mean trick on me… I’m not a very happy momma.
This is why I’m overly attached to our junky, cheapest we could find at the time baby monitor. When I know it’s on, I sleep better because I am sure I will hear Dorothy if she wakes up in the night.
The problem? My husband always turns the damn thing off. Hence, why I’m laying in bed at 3 a.m. most nights wondering if I’m losing my mind or if my lovely husband neglected to turn the monitor back on.
All of that to say, when Baby C 2.0 comes around I will be investing in a very expensive video baby monitor for my own sanity and sleep wellness. As I made that decision very early this morning I started wondering – what else would make this momma thing a little easier, should I ever do it again? I present to you…
1 Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor | 2 The Wrap by Solly Baby | 3 Puj Flyte – Compact Infant Bath | 4 Lifefactory Glass Baby Bottles | 5 infusion 2-Tone Tote
…apparently, according to my wish list, I’m also becoming a crunchy mom in my second go-round. Who knew?
1 | Most people get this crazy of a baby monitor so they can check if their kid is breathing every three minutes. I just want it so that I can know when I have to get out of bed. Mom of the Year.
2 | I never got in to baby wearing with Dorothy. Now, looking back, I feel like an idiot. Oh, the things I could get done if my kid were strapped to my chest and not terrorizing our house….
3 | Why did we ever use the bathtub? Just put the kid in the sink with one of these things!
4 | I hate bottles more than anything. Perhaps that’s because I’m just now done with them, 15 months into motherhood, but why do they have to have so many parts?! Glass bottles not only sound easier to maintain (for small babies, not for toddlers), but I’m pretty sure they don’t have five crazy pieces to wash.
5 | I’m so over my diaper bag, it’s unreal. Like, why does it have to look like a diaper bag?! They’re expensive, and 98% of the time they’re ugly. Next time, I’m just buying a gigantic purse. Preferably the one pictured above.
What is on your baby wish list? What would you do, or what did you do, differently with Baby 2.0?
I didnt “wear” nae AT ALL but Tom and I both wore Jay a LOT! When u have two its like eleventy billion times easier to be able to wear the baby so your hands are free for big sis.