How Far Along? 20 weeks
Baby Stats: Baby is the size of a banana, or about 12 ounces.
Weight Gain: Only 6 pounds so far, which is way less than my first pregnancy. Either it’s a miracle, or all of that toddler chasing actually counts as exercise.
Highlight of the Week: We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday, where we found out Baby C2 is a… GIRL! She’s completely healthy, measuring one day shy of her due date, and has the same long legs as her big sister. I know, I really thought she was a boy too.
- Baby is transverse, which is already getting a little uncomfortable for me. My doctor is hopeful that she’ll spin herself around soon.
- My ultrasound showed that my placenta is low lying, which explains why I have been feeling kicks since about 14 weeks. It may move up on it’s own, however I’ll need another ultrasound at 28-32 weeks to check.
- I have been having headaches from hell. Waking up nearly every morning with a hangover-quality head pounding is a very unfair way to remind me that it’s been five months since my last glass of wine.
- My eyesight is fading fast. I need my glasses pretty much all the time now, whereas before I only needed them when driving at night.
Cravings: Pickles and Key lime pie. Not together, obviously.
Looking Forward To…: The baby’s nursery is pretty much going to stay the same as Dorothy’s, but I’m excited to pick out a few new crib sheets and accessories. I’m also pretty pumped to start planning another Walt Disney World vacation for the four princesses – Brynzlee, Dorothy, Everly and Baby C2… in the far, far future.
Big Sister: Dorothy got to come with us to the ultrasound this week, and she loved seeing her sister on the tv. She still has absolutely no idea what is happening, though. Operations “big girl bed” and “big girl room” have been a success, and Dorothy even has a fancy new bathroom (that she’ll share with her sister someday) thanks to the help of my parents.
Momma: I’m still a little shocked that we have two GIRLS! Mr. Cotten and I are still working on her name, which seems strange after how quickly we decided on Dorothy’s name. I actually thought we had decided on her name, until a few nights ago when we realized neither of us loved it. Her first name is decided, but we’re open to suggestions on a good, vintage/girly middle name!
Countdown to my next glass of wine: 20 weeks (actually less, since Baby C2 will be a scheduled c-section).
*I plan on writing monthly BUMPdates, rather than weekly. Second child problems. Also, one of these days I will invest in a tripod…
You’re so adorable! I can only hope and pray I look that cute when I’m pregnant!
Why, thank you! I can only hope I stay on the small side. Judging by how massive I got with my last pregnancy, I don’t stand a chance.
ahahaha I love that you have a wine countdown!!!! that is the best.
It’s the little things that keep me going.
Congrats on Baby C #2
I think it’s so ironic that both you and Adrian are having babies at the same time