Like any other normal couple, Courtny and I had discussed name options for our potential/future children since the beginning of our relationship. Naturally, we never agreed on anything.
Now, I’m not being picky or difficult, but when your husband comes to you with these monikers for your first born – in complete seriousness – you have to put the kibosh on it immediately.
Just to name a few. I wish I was kidding.
As you’ll notice, the majority of those names are dog boy names. Girl names were supposed to be my area of expertise.
Of course I had my own names picked out, but I’m here to tell you that everything changes when you’re naming a real-live human being for their entire future. All of a sudden you start considering every potential downfall of every name you’ve ever loved. And then you start searching for new names, only to find the crazy people on the What To Expect baby naming community who analyze names to a whole new level.
Then one random day over dinner this spring, Courtny and I quickly decided on one boy name and one girl name for Baby C. He must have caught me at a vulnerable time, because the decision suddenly came to us with ease. If we were having a boy, his name will be this. If we’re having a girl, her name will be this. The end.
I really thought we were having a boy.
I’m going to be honest. At first, I struggled with our daughter’s name. Sure, I liked the name, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to name my daughter that. The name was too uncommon, too “old lady”, and associated with pop culture in a far too famous way. I loved the family ties that her name included, but the image of the chain-smoking British soap opera actress that popped up when I Googled her name could not be pushed aside in my mind.
But I had agreed to it. In fact, I was the first person to suggest the name to begin with, and Courtny was already in love. This was really a test of my overly-controlling, perfectionist personality, and eventually I had to let go. In the end, naming our daughter became just another one of the beautiful lessons that she has already taught me.
While I always referred to my daughter as Baby C on the internet, her name was not a secret. Our family and friends all knew, and if any random person asked me – I told them. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t feel a little self-conscious inside when I waited for their reaction. I had gotten anything from:
“I love that! I see a lot of names, but that is not one I have seen in a long time. How beautiful!”
– one OB unit nurse during our Monogram Maternity visit
….pause….”Really? That’s…interesting.”
– most people
Over time, the name certainly grew on me. She already really seems to have taken on the personality of someone I envision with this name. Sweetly unique, and a little feisty. Her name fits her beautifully.
We’re so excited you’re here,
Dorothy Laura Cotten
You are already everything we dreamed you would be.
Love that pic of her!
I adore the name, of course 😉
I love the name! And due to not wanting to hear everyone’s opinion we are keeping our little girls name a secret 🙂
“Normal” is a relative term, but Dorothy couldn’t have been received by a better set of parents. For the few years I’ve known you two, it’s been clear you were made for this. Kiss little Dorothy for me!
My mother would be so proud. She is looking down from heaven with a big smile on her face. Little girls were always special to her. Sorry guys!! She is a beautiful little girl. Welcome Dorothy.
What expressive eyes!!! Precious photo.
Looks like you have a little sweetheart to love.
Little Miss Dorothy has great coloring and delicate black hair.
Best wishes as you encounter the ups and downs of parenthood. Photo makes me want to pick her up, give her a gentle kiss, and a loving hug-so you two may do it for me.
God Bless