I confess…
If my daughter is actually being good while in the car, I will drive around aimlessly just to prolong the moment. Never take for granted those rare times of content, because they are elusive and fleeting with toddlers. I killed an hour this morning by completing a five minute errand, and then taking a tour of the back roads. These trips are valuable, because today I found out that I live five minutes away from a winery and DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT.
For shame.
I confess…
I get my butt kicked at Spinning twice a week to have a reason to leave my house alone. I mean, my legs are starting to look rather awesome…
…but that doesn’t stop me from negating the whole workout with a beer and leftover Easter candy as soon as I get home.
I confess…
I hate bath time.
I confess…
My kid gets a lot of screen time, and I don’t feel bad about it. I tend to think that learning about shapes and colors from Mickey Mouse, feelings and differences from Doc McStuffins, and manners from Sophia… oh, and learning to talk… is worth the risk of her brain rotting because she watched television before age two.
But that’s just me.
I confess…
I have my debit card information memorized, because leaving the house with a toddler is hard and online shopping is easy. I can’t decide if this is convenient, sad, or dangerous. Probably all three. But seriously, who has time for a mall?
I confess…
If you see my daughter wearing capris, know that they started out as pants. I can’t keep up with this girl’s height.
I confess…
Every morning I have to chase Dorothy around the house to put her hair up, just so that it wont be in her eyes and stuck in her boogers. Every day I consider cutting bangs just to make my life easier.
Alright, it’s your turn. Let’s hear your confessions!
Also, I’ve got a q&a over at The Farmer’s Wife. You should check it out, and give Amy some love while you’re there. She’s a gem, and I’m thinking her boys would be excellent little farmers for D someday…
Im actually embarassed and have contemplated an apology card to my mail lady about all the packages that she has to haul out of her little truck and bring to my door. But honestly.. Im NOT dragging two kids out to buy shit that I can order. I mean 5 dollars of shipping costs less than my gas and bottle of wine I will need to guzzle after running such errands.
My thoughts, exactly!
you know what, Sydney gets a lot of screen time too! But her speech is amazing and sometimes she uses these big words that amaze me! It’s totally from some of the great kids programs out there! I’m a new follower and love your blog!
I like these confessions, I agree and might be guilty with many of them actually.My daughter is five and she still doesn’t like having her hair brushed.
I’m also a new follower of your blog
I confess…I give my 1 year old a lollipop in his high chair and stick on Paw Patrol for my 3 year old so that I can eat my lunch in peace and look at my phone.
Found you through the link-up! I too am guilty of stretching out a good car ride. You gotta do what you gotta do! And who better than Mickey and Doc to teach some of the important lessons in life?