We have officially hit the months where all of our weekends are booked solid. Weddings, parties, family obligations, trips to IKEA that are uber important… it all just happens on top of each other. This past weekend was probably our last weekend with no plans until…June.
And we savored every bit of it.
On Saturday, we met up with our besties for a little fun at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. I think my husband was just as excited to see Nathan, as Dorothy was to see Bryn. And, okay, I was a little excited to see my Kristin. 🙂
First of all, when did our girls grow up? They’re practically teenagers.
Secondly, our Children’s Museum membership has by and far paid for itself and we don’t even live in Indianapolis. If you’re considering a family membership, I recommend getting the +2 guests option. Without our membership, Saturday would have cost $86 for four adults and two kids under 2 (who were free!). A family membership is $159 for the whole year, and for less than $40 more you can add two guests. Basically, if you plan to go to the museum more than once a year, you’ll save yourself a ton of money with a membership.
And that’s my tip of the week. You’re welcome.
Following the museum, we had a fabulous lunch at Thr3e Wise Men in Broad Ripple. The girls behaved, they fed each other popcorn, and the adults got to enjoy a Two Lucy’s Blackberry Wheat. FTW.
Sunday brought beautiful weather, and the first mow of the season. Confession: I don’t know how to mow a yard. My lovely husband just does it for me. He’s great like that.
Since one person was mowing, obviously the whole neighborhood had to mow, so D and I bathed in the sun and watched the lawnmowers whiz by…
Courtny spent the afternoon riding quads with our friend Josh at the Badlands, since he has Dorothy duty for many of the upcoming weekends. And if getting muddy is what he wanted to do for a little daddy’s day off… I guess more power to him.
Boys will be boys. But don’t they look like studs?
In the meantime, my mom and I spent the afternoon trying our hand at floral arranging for next weekend’s bridal shower. Let’s just say we are not florists, but we at least had fun.
I would give you a sneak peek, but I don’t want to ruin it for the bride! Stay tuned – I’ll share all of our fun projects next week, after the bride-to-be is properly celebrated!
A weekend with no plans, with lots of stuff going on. Sounds typical for us. Anyone else have a chill, but busy weekend?
A says
Hi! We live about an hour from Indy, but I find even just 2 or 3 trips to the Children’s Museum a year pays for itself with that Family+2 membership – we love to bring friends with us and always have cousins to choose from who want to tag along. I love how this museum really is for ALL ages.. We’ve been going since my son was in a stroller, and how that he’s 9, he finds different things to interest him there, although the Science Works Rube Goldberg machine is still a favorite! Members can get in early on certain days and visit new exhibits before the general public, plus get a discount in the gift shop – it’s awesome!
Samantha Cotten says
Isn’t it great? This is our first year of membership, and it has been so beneficial already. We’ve gone from only enjoying the baby land in the Playscape, to feeding the baby pandas in Take Me There: China. I can’t wait to see what else my daughter discovers as she gets older! We’ll be repeat members, for sure.
Also, if you haven’t done this already, think about attending the Black Hat Bash next year. The tickets are around $50 I think, but the abundance of food is so worth it. It’s a great atmosphere. Plus, members-only preview of the Haunted House!
lindsay @ Wild Ginger says
just found you via The Farmer’s Wife…awesome blog. Nice to see another Midwesterner in the bloggin’ world! “click!” following! Super sweet pictures!
Samantha Cotten says
Thank you! The Midwest is where it’s at! 😉