I did something for me last week.
It wasn’t for my husband, and it wasn’t for my daughter. It wasn’t for my parents, in-laws, family or friends. It was completely and totally for me.
A person I’m struggling to remember in my day-to-day life.
If you remember, I’m a self-diagnosed exercisephobic. In fact, the last time I worked out is when I walked the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon… which was three years, 40 lbs. and a baby ago. I don’t belong to a gym, and I don’t like to sweat. Period.
But last week I grew a wild hair, as I tend to do, and I decided to stop in to a spinning class with my bestie Lana at our local Park & Rec. I had never been to a group fitness class, let alone a spinning class. I didn’t know what to expect (other than miserably sore legs), but against my better judgement I decided to show up.
I was sure I was going to be that girl in the back of the room, silently dying on her bike. I thought I would be the worst one of the group by far. I knew I would hate every minute of it.
Except I wasn’t. And I didn’t.
Something about my experience last week was liberating. Perhaps I found myself in the middle of that dark room with Katy Perry blaring over the speakers. I was standing and running on this bike, dripping with the dreaded sweat, and I was completely focused ME. I wasn’t concerned about what to feed my family for dinner later that evening. I didn’t care if Dorothy was having a meltdown at home while her dad was trying to work. I couldn’t have cared less about how I looked, or who was looking at me.
I didn’t have a thought in my head, or a worry in my mind. Other than, you know, “keep freaking breathing so we survive this 45 minute class.” For the first time in a very long time, I felt relaxed. And that’s the last thing I expected from Sami Cotten’s impromptu trip to the gym.
I went back to that class a week later, and I’m already looking forward to next week. I even bought a 10 session pass. Can you believe it?
Maybe, just maybe, I’ve finally found something for me.
What do you do that is simply and completely about you? How to you remind yourself that you’re still a person, outside of your spouse and mommy roles?
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