Hey there, blog. Nice to see you.
I swear I’m not intentionally neglecting you. You see the Cotten ladies were visited by the Booger Fairy this week and, well, we’re kind of miserable around these parts.
And we’re out of Kleenex.
We actually didn’t get out of our pajamas on Wednesday. It was that yucky. Yesterday we wiped our faces and ventured out to do a little Christmas shopping (I know. Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving? Who am I?!), and we lasted all of one store before we had to get home.
Toddlers are not very patient, FYI.
Today’s not going well either, so bear with me for another completely random Friday Five. As always, linking up with the homegirls who don’t know I exist – Karli @ September FARM and Amy @ The Farmer’s Wife. They’re adorable.
uno | fake id
My beloved (yet very, very stupid) IU basketball team is taking on my beloved alma mater on Monday in exhibition. DI Hoosiers v. DII Greyhounds will be no contest, but that didn’t stop me from texting my sister (a member of the student newspaper staff) to get me media credentials.
This 26-year old momma can still pull off college, right?

Yes, I still have my student ID. Yes, I still try to get college student discounts with it. They were stupid enough not to put a year on it. Don’t judge.
Fellow Reflector alums – think Jeanne would let that happen? I’m going with not a chance.
Also, I realize the irony in this section’s title. I’m punny.
Go ‘Hounds.
dos | parrot
My kid, while still not walking yet, has figured out how to mimic what we’re saying. Seriously. In the last 24 hours she’s learned “all done,” “hot,” and “uh oh” (her favorite).
Mommy better figure out how to clean up her potty mouth reeeaaallll quick.
tres | overboard
I typically don’t decorate for holidays, outside of Christmas. Heck I hardly decorate for that, to be honest. Tree, stockings and a purple glitter reindeer I couldn’t leave behind at Home Goods a few years back. Done.
Well, something has gotten in to me. I’ve already successfully purchased more Christmas decor this year than all of my years combined. Like, my kid has her own tree for her room. I actually raided everything red and burlap in Big Lots. Don’t tell my husband.
I blame bestie for being the queen of decor, and shaming my lack of it during last weekend’s trick-or-treating-turned-wine-night. She’ll say it was the 50 Shades of Grey, but I know she was judging me.
Now to restrain myself until the day after Thanksgiving to set it all up…
quatro | orange elimination
I feel justified in buying new Christmas decor since I just saved my husband $400 in lighting fixtures.
A little exact-o knife action, and our horrid Halloween pendants have actually been transformed into something acceptable. Almost Pottery Barn-esque. With Edison Bulbs, damnit.
Ok, so it wasn’t my idea, but I cut open my hand in the process so I take some credit for the transformation (and it is a huge improvement). Thanks to Bethany and my momma for the inspiration.
cinco | help me help you
I’m looking for an evaluation. You see, I write this blog for fun. I blog about whatever strikes me, and that’s kind of the way I like it. But lately I’ve had a bit of writer’s block. Help me help you – what kind of posts you most enjoy reading?
Do you come here expecting to learn something (i.e. a tutorial)? Do you like to see reviews and giveaways? Do you just want me to write about my day-to-day SAHM life, or do you wish to see more structured posts with defined topics?
Do you just want to see cute pictures of #dbunny? Because that I can do.
You can stop worrying now. The Kleenex crisis is over. My momma saved us.
She. is. a. saint.
I adore tour blog, and your “new” pendants. My favorite things to read about, besides your beautiful Dot… Diy around your home, the gallery wall inspired me!
Ok now I’m mad. UIndy MADE Tom turn his ID in when he graduated….WTF! I could totally still be enjoying amazingness from there. I swear they had the best cheeseburgers btw. He would sneak me into the gym all the time when he is was in college so I wouldn’t have to pay for a gym membership. ahhaahah and we were too cheap for cable and internet in our apartments so we would go to the library with headphones and watch shows online all the time. #LOSERS
I’m going the most overboard on Christmas decor this year that I ever have. I actually am not a fan of seasonal decor deep down inside (with the exception of Christmas only) but ever since kids I have been trying a lot harder. Nae thinks its SO FUN so particularly this year I’m really amping it all up!
The Lights. WELL DONE. I personally think those are complete perfection now! I mean honestly. They are amazing!!! Huge change!
And finally, I love reading randomness. I actually dislike blogs that are really really one tracked. See I’m like totally moody on what I like to read so my favorite blogs usually encompass a LOT of topics.
Hey Samantha! I enjoy reading all your posts. The ones I enjoy the most though are your day to day SAHM life ones. I hope that helps.
Haha! I was not judging you at all, dork! By the way, the next morning I noticed that the 50 shades wine cork says you.are.mine. Definitely a good one for the collection…I’m thinking valentines decor.