Things have gotten downright depressing in this space lately.
That wasn’t the intent of my new blogging mantra, I promise. I just have been dealing with a few heavy issues as of late, and my skin cancer scare was just the icing on the sadness cake. I promise, I’m okay. Thank you to everyone who commented or reached out personally. It means a lot! I’m having surgery tomorrow, and although I don’t know what to expect, everything should be just fine.
But, since I’ve blogged approximately three times since the new year, let’s catch back up with a light-hearted post. Everybody loves blogs written in list format, right?
No? I don’t care. That, friends, is my new blog attitude. Ha!
one | The Cotten family is off and running in high gear, quite literally. Dorothy officially started preschool, is taking three dance classes a week at my in-law’s studio, and is currently LOVING the fall gymnastics class I signed her up for at the local Park & Rec. Somehow, she turns four in a week and a half. FOUR.
Frances is just… hilarious. Like serious, the kid has a future in comedy. She communicates in grunts, and is known to eat three breakfasts. She’s also figured out that she can defend herself, so she’s learning about Time Out right now. Sister hitting and hair pulling already at 16 months!?
Mr. Cotten has been crushing it in his first year as head coach of the varsity cross country team, and is even sending two athletes to the semi-state race this weekend. Dorothy is the team’s mascot/spirit animal/official cheerleader, and she loves going to practice nearly every afternoon to run with the big kids… and to make high school seniors play Barbies with her. #bossypants Anyone have good Michigan City, Ind. recommendations? The whole family is taking a mini-trip to see the big race!
two | Me personally? I’m getting ready for (read: stressing about) the beginning of winter guard season. It’s the first year of combining all three area high schools, and somehow I’ve found myself in charge of the whole county-wide program. New program, new kids, new classification, new circuit, new responsibilities. No pressure, Cotten.
three | I am 98.8 percent done Christmas shopping. In fact, I’ve been done since like… May. Santa Claus is visiting the Cotten girls a bit early this year and whisking us off for a surprise Walt Disney World vacation – complete with excellent food, and some special guests! The problem with keeping the trip a secret from the kids is that there is no one else to be ridiculously excited with me… and four year olds are really good at being really pumped about Mickey’s House. I’m still working on exactly how we’ll reveal the trip to the girls, so any cute ideas are welcome! Also, if you see Dorothy, please help us keep the secret! She miraculously has no idea.
four | Speaking of vacations, we’re also planning a little trip to the Bahamas this winter. What can I say? We like to travel. And if I’m ridiculously excited about Walt Disney World, then I’m over the moon about the Bahamas. Mr. Cotten and I turn 30 within a few weeks of each other, and we’ll celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary next May… and my mother made the mistake of offering to watch our kids (probably as a giant, combined gift – haha!). I don’t think we’ve ever booked flights faster.
five | #MoCoFixer is still as busy as ever! If you follow me on Instagram, or have seen my Stories, then you know we just did a whirlwind exterior renovation thanks to straight-line wind damage last spring. I’ll post about it when it’s 100 percent complete, but it’s amazing what 23 gallons of white paint and a new roof can do.
six | What else is new? Well, my youngest sister is getting married this April so I’ve been doing matron of honor duties. You know, bridal shower, bachelorette party, being the big mean older sister with an Excel sheet and timeline… haha, no joke. This Is Us is back, and Tuesdays have officially become face mask, wine and Jack Pearson night. I bought a Young Living starter kit, and I’m still not sure what I think about the whole essential oils thing (other than lavender is my best friend when it comes to Dorothy’s bedtime). Oh, and my husband is now on a body builder diet or something. So there’s nothing but weird health foods around here, and the girls and I might starve to death.
And, that’s all I have for tonight. Congratulations, you are now up to date on the state of my life. Again – I’m all ears for an awesome family-friendly restaurant / things to do in Michigan City! Let me know below!
Sami, I hope everything goes well tomorrow and you can get back to your incredibly busy blessed life. Make sure when you tell Dorothy and Frances about Disney you get that on video. That will be priceless.
For sure! I just can’t decide if we want to tell them the night before, or the morning we leave. We have Elsa and Anna dresses ready to go as a surprise! 🙂