Hi, friends.
So, let’s talk about what is going on here. Two years ago, I let this blog die a silent death. It was completely unintentional, of course. But at some time in 2017 I just decided to… stop. I wasn’t inspired. I didn’t feel like I had anything important to say. Somewhere along the way, I just stopped thinking of myself as a “blogger.”
Around that same time, my little world changed. I received a job offer from my alma mater, and after staying at home with my daughters for four years I went back to work full time. It was stressful, to say the least. My youngest daughter started going to Parent’s Day Out for the first time, both girls started going to an in-home babysitter on the days they didn’t have school, and my husband had to make sacrifices to his every day to accommodate for my new schedule.
Life got busy. My schedule got crazy. And while I have had tons of content opportunities over the last two years, I have just never stopped to write about it.

Fast forward to two months ago, when driving home with my winter guard staff from a competition near Chicago. While discussing everything under the sun, my assistant director said to me, “You know, you would be a really good blogger.”
Guys. I consider these people to be my good friends, and they didn’t even know that I had a blog.
But how would they? They weren’t around when Cotten Tales was thriving, or even functioning. Since that night, my “lack” of a blog has come up several times in conversations with people who had no idea that I used to write. Call it a sign, or something, but my co-workers looked at me like I had three heads when I told them that this website here used to see nearly 20,000 unique views per month.
And I just let it all die.
All of that to say, I’ve been inspired to revive Cotten Tales. It took a lot of soul searching, tons of research, and a multitude of motivational speeches from my husband… but I’m back. If the bloggers/influencers/journalists I dream of being can do it, why can’t I?
I’m rusty, though. Let’s be real. Writing this post has taken days weeks, and my spell check is getting a true workout, but damn it I’m going to do this. I’m in a new chapter of life, and I’m determined to take Cotten Tales to newer and greater heights.
I hope you’ll be along for the ride.
Welcome back!
Thank you so much!
I am glad you decided to do this again. I love reading it. Maybe you can inspire other too. Way to go Sammy!
I’m glad you are back! I love to read about you and your family! I still remember the day your parents brought you home from the hospital!
Glad you’re back! I had just started following Cotten Tales before your hiatus and really enjoyed your content. Your StitchFix reviews were fun & I loved following your adventures with your girls.
Glad you have decided to write again and follow your dream. Look forward to you sharing lots of good stuff.
Hello from a fellow Samantha! Welcome back! I was a long time follower from back in the day… I’m glad you’re back!
Yay!! So happy you are writing again! Always loved reading your blog!