I totally and completely forgot my blog-iversary.
That’s a thing. Really.
One year ago I decided to put my crazy life out there for the world to read. Cotten Tales was born for my own enjoyment, and for the entertainment of my friends and family. I started writing as a gigantic 30 week preggo with nothing but a journalism degree to guide me, and now I’m living the SAHM life and seeing new blog opportunities thrown my way every day.
125 posts, approximately 50,000 page views, plus a few hundred dbunny photos later, and I am feeling so incredibly blessed.
I am so proud of this little blog (but not nearly as proud as my mother). Cotten Tales has given me a place to be simply me. It’s a place where I go to write out my feelings, and to clear my head. It’s a place for me to be creative, and it’s a place for me to grow.
This blog has become much more to me than I ever imagined.
I have been completely blown away by the number of people who genuinely want to read what I have to say. The support I have received for this blog is so far beyond what I expected, and I cannot thank you all enough for that. Cotten Tales is such a success because of its readers, but it’s not even close to what I dream it will be by this time next year.
I have so many fun, crazy, exciting, scary and wonderful things in store.
But before I share my future plans, I want to revive my favorite posts from the past year (and since it’s Friday, I’ll join in on the oh hey, friday link up!).
I made almost everyone I know cry with this post. Therefore, it’s a winner.
We didn’t necessarily announce Dorothy’s name on the Internet until she was born. This was the post I wrote to explain where her unique name came from, and I just love how it turned out.
Sippy Sip |Sip Happened | Relax, Enjoy & UnWINEd
If you’ve been following along, you know why there are three wine posts here. These parties have been good for the soul – quality time with my besties, and a little break from the every day mom life. I have had the chance to meet so many new friends and local bloggers because of this link up, which has been an incredible added bonus!
This post received a huge reaction – one I wasn’t quite prepared for. Breastfeeding vs. formula is a hot topic, and I was inspired to share our story. So many people thanked me for writing this, and I like to think my words helped at least one momma out there.
This post makes the cut because of the experience. Fingerpainting with my daughter was one of my favorite moments so far in motherhood – the fun we had “secretly” making Father’s Day gifts is something I will always remember. Plus, the photos turned out pretty cute.
Choosing only five was harder than I thought! I would love to hear which Cotten Tales post has been your favorite over the last year.
Thank you all for the love you have shown me and this little blog. I am so incredibly grateful to have readers like you.
I enjoy reading your blog Samantha. I’m so happy for all your success here. Seems like you had quite the year. Congrats. Some of my favorite posts include your SAHM ones and You’re Not A Bad Mom. Thanks for sharing!
I loved Your Not A Bad Mom. I have concerns over the Breast vs. Bottle, and with large groups on either side screaming about how you’re a horrible mother if you do one or the other doesn’t help matters. I’m not a mother yet, but I will be in just a few short months, and it’s nice to know that there is someone out there that has my back either way. My other favorite is The Men Who Have Everything. I loved seeing the pictures of you and Dorothy doing a project together, and that’s something I would love to do with my future son.
Thank you for the reminder. My blog-versary is Aug 24. Congrats on the first year of blogging!!
You’re Not A Bad Mom was one amazing post, girl. I was unable to breastfeed my daughter as well. Mostly due to medications that I was taking, but I actually don’t think that should matter. It shouldn’t matter whether or not you have a “good” reason for not breastfeeding. It should be ok for a mother to decide that it’s not best for her and her child. If it’s not something she truly wants to do, then the child will not receive any of the nurturing that supposedly comes from breastfeeding. Nutritionally, the child’s needs can be met with formula or breast milk. It’s emotional needs can only be met to the degree of the emotional health of the child’s mother. If she is distraught over her choice of breast milk v. formula, the child will suffer. By making this a point of debate, we are threatening the health of our children more than the choice itself. You made a strong and beautiful case for a mother’s choice for her child rooted in love. Happy blog-versary
Happy bloggy birthday!!