“Imitation is the highest form of flattery.”
Let’s be honest. The person who first uttered that phrase has to be the biggest biotch on the planet. “Oh, let me steal your ideas and then pin my actions on a nicety. You’re welcome.”
Perhaps it’s the journalism major in me, but blatant copycats are my biggest pet peeve. It’s plagiarism, no matter how small it might be, and that’s not cool.
For example, this week someone stole one of my Instagram photos and claimed it as their own. It was a fake account… that was clearly operated by my 10-year-old niece.
Yes, my niece created a fake persona to act as a fake ally in an online girl fight she was having with another 10-year-old. And here’s the kicker: she still thinks I don’t know who “Taylor” is. You know, since justadramaqueen666 isn’t clue enough.
I was in middle school when MySpace and AIM was cool. This concept is not foreign to me. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
So what does dear old Aunt Sami do?
I threaten her with fines and jail time for copyright infringement. Love ya.
Somewhere, Professor Criswell is applauding me.
I tell you this story because recently there has been a crazy influx of “imitation” in my life – by people with more than one decade under their belt. This baffles me. Is originality dead? Maybe I’m missing something here, because I’m not feeling flattered.
Perhaps the quote should be changed. I feel that inspiration is a much more acceptable form of flattery. Don’t take someone’s ideas, but use them to inspire your own creativity. Then, do the respectable thing and give credit where credit is due. There’s nothing worse than seeing your photo without your byline.
Just ask samanthalc.
End rant.
I totally understand how you feel with this one! Somebody the other day just took my words and printed them as their own! Get your own mind people….it is way cooler than trying to use someone else’s.
There is a definite difference between straight up copying and being inspired by someone else…because we are all inspired by someone else. I think that quote needs to be reworded also. There really is nothing flattering about being copied/ripped off. But if someone says something I created inspired them to create their own original piece, that is most definitely flattering! But then again, for those who straight up copy…you reap what you sow! Right?!
I totally agree! I’ve experienced this a lot as well. I’m never flattered no matter how small it is. Criswell would be proud. Lol