I confess…
I get inappropriately excited when the “mother with small children” parking spot is open at Kroger. You better believe I milk that ‘ish for all it’s worth!
Have you tried to unload your grocery cart with a baby lately? I mean, it’s hard enough when you’re battling the wind/cold/snow/rain/1000* rays from the sun, but what order is the best way to go about this?!
Do I leave her in the cart to deal with the elements while I pack the car?
Do I put her in the hot/cold car and then have to run a half mile to return my cart to the corral?
Do I become one of “those people” and just leave my cart to run free in the parking lot?
Are people judging me from their child-free cars regardless of what I decide to do?
I’m just so conflicted.
I confess…
The thought of sending my daughter to daycare, or even a three hour Parent’s Day Out program, is enough to give me hives. The husband and I are currently getting information on local options for only one day a week (so, you know, maybe I don’t need the above mentioned parking spot), and so far I cannot commit to anything.
What if, like, the other kids are mean to her? Who will change her diapers, or feed her fruit snacks?! What if she needs me?! BAH!!!
In seriousness, local friends, I would appreciate your input on these programs! Momma needs a few hours for her sanity, and Miss. D needs positive interaction with other kids her age.
I confess…
I washed, dried and folded approximately 10 loads of laundry today, and I can almost guarantee that none of it will ever leave the laundry room. Because putting it all away just sounds hard.
You may wonder how 2.5 people dirty that much clothing in a week?
1. I have a toddler.
2. I have a husband with seven (yes, SEVEN) drawers full of t-shirts. He calls it a collection. I call it ridiculous.
I confess…
I hear phantom crying… all the time. Even when I know the baby monitor is on, and our daughter is clearly sleeping, I still think I hear her. I mean, our bedroom shares walls with Dorothy’s nursery and yet I constantly worry that I’ll sleep through her waking up.
As it turns out, motherhood has made me an incredibly light sleeper. She could be sleeping at grandma and papaw’s across town, and I would probably hear her wake up. I have no idea why I stress myself out like this.
I confess…
I rather enjoy Frozen.
I confess…
I still give Dorothy a bottle. One at night, and one in the morning. I have no idea how to stop this routine, and I’ve decided after this article that I don’t really care. She’s happy, and she sleeps well – and that’s most important to us. She’ll wean when she’s ready, in my “expert” opinion.
Go ahead. Judge away.
I sent Joseph to Creation Station at Woodland Heights. He went for 3 years before he started kindergarten Prep this year. I love Creation Station! The teachers are amazing and they are very informative. Joseph of course had a hard time in the very beginning, he would scream when they would unbuckle him and get him out. After a few weeks he loved going. He made friends (and kids were mean to him-which brought out the “whose Butt am I gonna have to kick” type of mom). He still loves his teachers from CS. If you want any info let me know! It was hard letting Joseph go, I totally understand. I haven’t even considered sending Remington yet:(
on all points above: ITS OK!
Looking back I know now that I was way more intense with Nae and perspective changes like ten fold with the second one… so sometimes I forget how “hard” crap was…..the bottles-trust your gut. I’ve successfully taken two kids off nighttime bottles (one at one year and one at 15 months) solely by that gut feeling that it was time. Trust yourself. YOU know best for YOUR CHILD. The End.
Gosh I remember going back to work after Nae and I was sick/anxious/upset/sick some more those three days a week that I left her. Now I’m home…and I have two…and while I still secretly a little bit get anxious leaving them both still…I really have clarity that I NEED it. YOU NEED IT. But find the solution that fits you guys. You have to be 100% fine with who you trust your kids with. You will still freak out but you will also be refreshed and gain clarity of life if you have a bit to think and just do YOU!
All in all…I’m still hot mess but I do think I have gained some perspective in my four years of motherhood. Don’t stress yourself out and worry if your doing the right thing. It’s like all things…you have to learn in your own time what works for you. Don’t ever compare your child or yourself as a mother to anyone else. You are incredible and Dorothy is a lucky girl that you care with all your heart about this stuff.