I don’t know if I’ve said this enough times yet, so here’s another mention just for good measure:
Moving is really, really stressful.
So much has happened in the Cotten house over the past month. We made the decision to list our home, we had 16 21 showings in 17 days, and we accepted an offer contingent on the buyers selling their home in 30 days.
At least, that’s all that had happened when I last updated you. I was overwhelmed with living in limbo. You know, the place between kinda moving but kinda not? Kinda homeless but kinda not? I thought our life was crazy at that point, but I was totally wrong.
Because then the buyers go and sell their house in under 24 hours.
Courtny and I naively took comfort in the 30-day contingency. I mean, seriously. Unless you’re our former neighbors, no one sells their house that quickly. I really thought it wouldn’t happen, and we wouldn’t be moving at all. It only took a mere day before we had a MAJOR problem.
The Cotten family was going to be homeless in 30 days, and we didn’t even know what city we wanted to live in.
Let me tell you, I’ve seen nearly every home available in central Indiana. We narrowed our search down to three “finalists,” and even took my parents on second showings… and none of us were totally wowed by any of the options. If you want to know how many homes are available in Crawfordsville in our price range, with four bedrooms, that would be exactly 15.
I was so disappointed.
Courtny and I did some soul searching, and we decided to make one last trek to Montgomery County to look at essentially the only home we hadn’t already seen in real life. We walked in, loved it, and we made an offer that night. Easy right?
24 hours later, the sellers asked for an extension. 24 hours after that, our offer was flat-out rejected.
Not to be discouraged, we re-offered 24 hours later. And we were rejected again.
Apparently at 7 p.m., our second offer was accepted with a signing meeting between the sellers and their REALTOR scheduled for 8 p.m. At 7:30 p.m., the husband called to inform his wife that he was potentially losing his job. They unlisted the house.
I can’t make this stuff up.
SO, with time NOT on our side, Courtny and I decided to take one last look in Hamilton County. At that point, it couldn’t hurt. We again found a home that we loved, but in a neighborhood that we hated. Of course, right?
After a long discussion/debate of what we wanted in life, we decided against the box home community in Noblesville and made an offer on our second favorite home in Crawfordsville. Although the house isn’t exactly what we envisioned, the benefits of small town living outweighed the beauty of the McMansion. We wanted space, privacy and to be close to our families – something we couldn’t get in our current area.
Long story short, we’re homeowners again with 19 days to spare. The Cottens are moving back to Crawfordsville.
And we’re only going to be homeless for two weeks. :/
Stressful, I tell ya. Stay where you are – it’s easier.
FYI, every wall inside this home needs paint. Who’s good with a roller? I’m also hiring movers. Pay is minimum wage – Arni’s pizza and beer (I’ll buy the good kind).
We were almost neighbors !!!
Shoot im down for arnies if all i have yo do is move some boxes. I myself may be homeless. We accepted an offer and all has been done except knowing the closing date.
YAY! on the new house!!! Congrats. Seriously, your story sounds really stressful but your so lucky to have sold so quickly. I hope it smooths out from here for you! Honestly…I have a long winded (BAD) story of our move from our first home to our current…..way too long to type but I’ll have to tell you in person sometime. It was not a good experience at all. Like things got REALLY messed up and actually the mortgage side of it just ironed out this last May which was only TWO YEARS after we moved into this house. (trust me…you will be floored by my story. There were attorneys involved.)
Moving SUCKS is my motto.
Thank you! We’re excited, but I’m also super nervous about moving “home.” I’m definitely going to miss Hamilton County, but I’m already planning weekend retreats to Kristin’s fabulous new home.
I also must hear your real estate horror story! We’ll talk soon!