+ I have approximately one hour per day where no one is touching me. Usually this is from 10-11 p.m. after both girls are asleep and I’ve kicked the cat out to the garage. Do I want to go to bed before 11 p.m.? Absolutely. But if I don’t give myself that hour to just be and drink a beer, I’m going to lose my damn mind.
+ Even though I already know what is going to happen because social media sucks and the ESPN app is a little overzealous with their push notifications, I can’t stop watching the Olympics. Can we all just agree that Michael Phelps is part dolphin?
+ The most demanding people in the world are those between the “terrible twos” and “threenager” stages. Throw in potty training, and you get a small human who CONSTANTLY NEEDS SOMETHING. She’s literally at my feet right now repeating, “I want JUICE. I want JUICE. I want JUUUUUICE.”
+ All I want is a bath. That’s it. I have had the intention of taking a nice, relaxing bath every night this week. Can you guess how many times it happened? Zero. Instead, I cleaned a turd out of the bathtub because that is my life right now.
+ Mom brain is real. I have plenty to say, but when I get a rare opportunity to sit down and write every coherent thought in my head vanishes. Poof. Gone. Look back at my last two months on this blog (or don’t). It’s either a guest post, a Stitch Fix review, or a Frances update. But I promise you I have like eight real drafts started. I swear I’m still capable of writing something not in a list format!
And, I feel better now. Happy Friday, friends. Here’s to getting back in the blogging game next week (and getting a Lush bath bomb in my life, STAT)!
Laughed about this one. I remember those days. Mommy’s sometimes need timeout’s too. I may have told them I was bad and would be in timeout in my bedroom with the door closed for 10 minutes to collect my thoughts. Or sanity.
That 5th one is completely true.
I create posts in my head and then when I go to actually post they’re gone.
Mom brain. Ugh.