My dearest Dorothy,
On the day before you were due to enter this world, I wrote you a letter.
I guaranteed you a lot, and set lofty goals for myself as a mother. I promised that I would raise you to be strong. I promised that I would help you achieve your dreams. I promised that I would love you unconditionally.
I hope and pray that someday you are able look back at your childhood and see that your daddy and I lived up to our words. Sweet girl, you have already made us so proud.
The personality you possess, at only two-and-a-half, is outstanding. You have strong likes and dislikes. You love your people fiercely. You care so deeply. It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital, and yet somehow you have already grown into a bright and spirited little girl. You’re definitely not a baby anymore.
When I wrote you that letter nearly three years ago, I thought I knew what changes were coming my way. I thought I knew what motherhood would entail, and what our world would look like moving forward. But, not surprisingly, no amount of research could have prepared me for you. As ready as I thought I was to become your mommy, I was not even close to wrapping my mind around the impact you would make on our lives. I was still selfish, and I was naive. It took a long time for me to understand my new role as your momma. Now, looking back, I know the pre-mommy version of myself could never begin to imagine the all encompassing love I feel for you.
Dorothy, you alone have been my biggest blessing in life.
Tomorrow our lives are changing again, and this time that includes you. Your daddy and I will welcome another beautiful daughter, and you will officially become a big sister. So exciting! Your daddy and I always knew we wanted to give you a sibling. We want you to have a lifelong best friend, and someone to grow up alongside. We want you to have family outside of your father and myself, so that someday when we’re old and gray you won’t be dealing with us alone.
In the same way I felt before you arrived, you think you understand what changes are coming. We’ve done our best to prepare you, and to minimize any disruptions in your life. You’re so excited to be a big sister, and you can’t wait to meet the baby, but you really have no idea that your perfect toddler world is about to be turned upside-down.
The transition to a family of four will probably be challenging. You have never had to share your mom and dad, and likewise we have never had to love and care for anyone but you. I can assure you that some days will be wonderful, and others may be hard. But, big girl, you’re so smart and strong. You’ll get the hang of this big sister thing in no time.
I’m a big sister too, you know. I know for a fact that there is no better friend, rival, or person to have in your corner than your sister.
You’re going to love it.
We love you more than words can express, Dorothy. Thank you for always being our sweet baby girl.
Beautifully written Sami. I can’t wait to see baby Frances.
So excited for your Lil family. Congratulations and can’t wait to see pictures.
Can’t wait to see your new baby girl. Dorothy will make a wonderful big sister. I was blessed with two girls and they have definitely been the greatest gifts in my life . They have also blessed me with six beautiful grandkids. God is good.