Since Courtny and I made the decision to name our daughter Dorothy, we have been questioned continually. Obviously, we kind of expected that.
It turns out you can’t just give your daughter an old lady name and think everyone is going to consider it normal. People always want to know if Dorothy is a family name, or if she’s named after the Wizard of Oz (words cannot describe how much I now loathe that movie). To kids under the age of 6, they always want to know if she’s named after Elmo’s fish.
If you’re really curious, you can read about how we named our sweet girl here.
Now, nearly nine months since Dot made her way into our world, the questioning is finally less frequent. There is no changing her name, so people don’t feel as compelled to talk us out of it. However, I have recently been questioned (and received strange looks) about Dorothy’s other “name.”
I call my kid dbunny
in public
without giving it a second thought.
Actually, I’m not alone. Everyone calls her dbunny. My mother has even named her Pinterest board for Dorothy, “dbunny.” The kid now has more bunny-related things than any little girl could ever need. She actually has her own hashtag (seriously, check out #dbunny on Instagram).
But where did dbunny come from?
Well… my kid kind of has a gang name. Mother of the Year, right here.
I happened to dress my daughter in this sweatsuit when she was two months old (given to us by the bestie, so this could potentially be all her fault). I’m guessing it’s meant to be a snow bunny, since we were nowhere near Easter. It features bunny ears, and even a little cotton tail on the butt.
The outfit was too big. In fact, she looked a little gangster. Homie G? I decided that in order to wear that sweatsuit, she must have a gangster name. That’s when dbunny was born. I may have made her rap too, but that’s beside the point.
The faces this kid made when we called her dbunny were so priceless. In fact, we all laughed so hard we were crying (possibly a mixture of hormones, sleep deprivation, and the fact that it was my birthday and I’m now closer to 30 than 20, but we cried nonetheless). Dorothy was clearly born to be BA.
Of course, the name has stuck. Proof that one outfit can change the course of your life.
And now you know. Happy Thursday. Be on the lookout for dbunny’s debut rap single, out soon.
“Damn it feels good to be a gangster…”
Of course I love her nickname since grandma’s was D-bear:)
I love nicknames and the fact that I helped Dot find one! 🙂 Can we pause though and discuss how little she was?!? Why do they have to grow so fast?!?