Remember that time when I was going to SLOW THE HELL DOWN and take it easy?
We’ll start that next week. After another weekend full of high school color guard.
But, even as I continue to run around like a very pregnant maniac, there are at least five things that make me extremely happy this week. Let’s get to them, shall we?
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The day after this photo was taken, I found out I was pregnant. So, basically, this is now my post-baby workout motivation.
Praise the Lord.
The husband is FINALLY home.
Of course I’ve seen him all of five minutes since he landed back in “Parts Unknown,” between his track coaching schedule and my guard coaching schedule. But hey! We are sleeping under the same roof again (and he does the dishes!). We even managed to squeeze in a little morning coffee date while Dorothy was at school this week, because the time change between London/Helsinki and here apparently required copious amounts of caffeine.
Married life. FTW.
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I think (hope and pray) Indiana has officially decided that it’s time for Spring. YAY! Almost nothing makes me or the DBunny happier than 70 degrees and sunshine. We had a lunch picnic on our deck this week, and I think it blew her mind.
“Momma. Eat OUTSIDE?!?”
It doesn’t take much to impress a toddler.
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I’ve been on a small shopping spree for Baby C2… but only because all the things I have been lusting over went on sale this week. Not my fault.
C2 obviously needed her first pair of Freshly Picked moccs for $10 off during their Customer Appreciation Week. Duh.
And then I obviously needed to purchase a Solly Baby Wrap when the new spring colors came out this week… and were conveniently 15 percent off.
And then her nursery… well, I’ll just wait and share that with you all in a few weeks when all the finishing touches are done!
Kid’s not spoiled at all.
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You guys, I talked about what baby names we’re NOT giving Baby C2 earlier this week, and I’m so happy to report that I’m not the only one married to a crazy Star Wars fanatic. It’s not just me!
Seriously, according to your hilarious comments, dads-to-be rank “Rey” as the No. 1 name of 2016.
Use that veto power, ladies.
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It’s Friday afternoon, and Indiana basketball is on my television. March Madness is here, people, and all is well (as long as the Hoosiers win).
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