So, my house eats things. Oh hey, I’m back!
Like, seriously, I can’t even tell you how many things have just magically disappeared since we moved here. A whole box of my high school guard contest videos has just vanished. The Rainbow Fish print that used to be in Dorothy’s nursery is still missing. Who knows what else is in hiding at this point. Things are seriously just… gone.
The power cable for my old laptop tried to sneak away last week, but I finally won that round. Boom! Pregnancy brain may have had a factor in that one, but I’ll keep pretending it’s my black hole of a house.
Anyway, all of that intro to say that I’m simply glad to have survived last week. Here’s a quick recap:
Mr. Cotten has been on a work trip (with our shared laptop, hence my absence), which I normally handle pretty well. He travels occasionally with his job; Dorothy and I have some girl time over fast food and Disney movies – no big deal. This time, though, has been extraordinarily more difficult.
A sick toddler + being nearly 7 months pregnant + three guard practices AND a contest + a 7 hour time difference between here and FINLAND = a flat-out ass kicking.
Everything. Just. Hurts.
I tried to do it all, and I totally overdid it. I felt like a terrible mother A LOT – between Dorothy missing bedtime by an hour every night, to having to rely on my parents to watch her nearly every evening while I worked, to literally bribing her with candy and the iPad so I wouldn’t have to chase her through the house… it just wasn’t my best parenting week.
Maybe it’s the fact that I don’t physically feel 27 weeks pregnant most of the time. In fact, some days I don’t feel pregnant at all… until I cross the invisible line where Baby C2 screams, “Hold up, momma. We need to sit down NOW.” I caught a glimpse of myself last week in the mirror while doing laundry, and actually did a double take. And then I realized I’m supposed to give birth in 12 weeks or less, and had a small panic attack.
My daughters owned me last week… already. Things are looking good for their teenage years.
Random Monday rant? Yes. But, accidental hiatus is over. I didn’t drop off the face of the Earth since my last post. I just ran myself into the ground and am slowing crawling back out. Power cable has been found, husband comes home soon, and I’m going to survive.
But, note to self: SLOW DOWN PREGGO. Holy crap. Yikes.
Everything gets chaotic now and then, and I think you handled it like a champ. My husband got a new job in Ohio and started the 29th. Through the whole moving process we have had to deal with a clingy and cranky toddler. I also felt a little useless since with me being 19 weeks pregnant, I was only allowed to pack and clean.
Oh, girl. I can’t even IMAGINE moving states with a toddler… while pregnant! You are a rockstar!