True story.
I quit my job.
On my first day back from a 10 week maternity leave.
I am officially “that girl.”
For 9.5 of those 10 weeks, I had every intention of returning to work. Really. I did. In order to live our lives comfortably, in the way we always have (financially), we needed my salary. I had worked out a plan with my employer, and I was going to work from home until Dorothy was six months old. At that time, she would have to go to some sort of childcare and I would go back to my office.
It was a good plan. So much better than the options that many new moms face when going back to work. I’m thankful that my boss is wonderful, and understood my desire to keep my daughter home for as long as possible, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t fret about what would happen on April 30. Daycare isn’t cheap, people.
But then Courtny and I received the most wonderful Christmas present to date (something I conveniently left out of my Christmas recap post).
Courtny got a new job.
With this new job comes the means for me to become a SAHM (a stay at home mom, in blogger speak). It’s just an opportunity that neither of us could pass up.
I had never quit a job without another job in the works, and I had never quit a job that I genuinely liked. Sure, I liked parts of my previous jobs, but none as much as this one.
The whole process was incredibly stressful. Like keep you up all night/nauseous/near panic attack stress. I didn’t want to burn any bridges. I didn’t want to interrupt anyone on their holiday break. I didn’t want to leave my co-workers hanging. I even attempted to ask for a part-time option, but in my heart I knew I would hate it.
In the end, I figured out that I have to do what is best for my family. And that means staying home to raise our daughter.
So, yes. I’m officially a SAHM. Instead of sitting in meetings all day, I’m rocking my sick baby all night. My Google calendar has suddenly opened up, and no longer buzzes at me uncontrollably. I don’t have lunch plans, mainly because I don’t have time to eat lunch. Work clothes have taken on a whole new meaning, and I have already learned that showers are for the weak.
I’m learning. This will be an adjustment.
I still plan to work, just in a different way. I will keep doing freelance jobs. I will (maybe) have more time to focus on this blog. Heck, I may find something entirely outside of my professional field to explore (travel agent, anyone?).
Currently, Dorothy requires that we sit on the couch all day in a constant repetition of feeding, changing, crying, rocking and sleeping. But someday that will change. Soon we’ll go to the library, and to Target, and have play dates. Our schedule will get fuller, and our days will get busier.
But right now, I’m soaking in this stay at home mommy thing – yoga pants and all. It’s only the best job I’ve ever had.
YAY! Welcome to the club! It’s a beautiful ride. A milky, stinky, wild, but beautiful ride. Being a SAHM really is a blessing, despite the lack of showers and increased couch time. The snuggles are worth every second of it.