How Far Along? 24 weeks
Baby Stats: Baby is the size of a cantaloupe, or about 1 pound 4 ounces.
Weight Gain: 11 pounds (up 5 pounds since last month). For 23 weeks, I just wasn’t hungry. It wasn’t really an aversion, but more like nothing sounded good. In the last week though, I’m starving all the time. So basically the baby weight is about to hit me like a truck.
- I’m having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions. Like, way earlier and way more than I ever had with my first pregnancy. They happen mostly in the evening, and are uncomfortable… borderline painful even.
- This kid moves. A lot.
- The heartburn is back. Yay.
- The headaches haven’t gone away. Double yay.
Cravings: I make excuses to leave our little rural town, simply to go somewhere with a Starbucks for Oprah’s Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte.
Preparations: Honestly, I have only purchased new crib sheets and a rug… and that makes the nursery pretty much done. #secondchildproblems My mom is going to paint the changing table, and do a few little murals on the wall, but otherwise we’re ready to go. I can’t wait to show it to you! Check out Dorothy’s nursery here.
Outside of the nursery, we just have to get the totes of baby clothes/swing/pack ‘n play bassinet/car seat/etc. out of storage and work on washing it all. I purchased a few boxes of diapers during the Target baby deal, and have a few other new items on my wish list, but I’m waiting for my Amazon Prime registry completion discount before I do anything too crazy.
Name Game: I think… maybe possibly… Baby C2 has a full name. We didn’t share our first’s name on the Internet until she was born, and we’ll probably go that route this time as well. However, I would love to hear your guesses/suggestions. With a sister named Dorothy, can you even imagine what we’re calling this one? Ha!
Big Sister: When you ask Dorothy if she’s excited to be a big sister, she will 100 percent of the time answer, “NO!” So that’s going well.
Momma: I’m tired. I’m sore. I’m slightly panicked, because this whole second pregnancy thing is moving WAY faster than the first go-round. Half the time I struggle to remember how far along I am, and then when I realize I only have three months to go, I have an internal freak out. Yeah… I’m pretty much exactly how you would expect a six months pregnant second-time mother to be.
Countdown to my next soak in the hot tub: 15 weeks
Five Months BUMPdate // Pregnancy Details // Baby C2 Announcement
Beautiful photo of you and the baby bump. I feel the same my pregnancy is going by way too fast as well. I have so much to do and not enough time. Can’t wait to hear the name and see the nursery.
Thanks, Adrian! Your nursery plans look GORGEOUS!
Love the picture of you and your bump! Can’t wait to see the new babe’s nursery- Dorothy’s is so creative and beautiful.
Why, thank you! You make a waddling pregnant lady feel good.
I can relate to so much of what you say here! I haven’t even thought about a nursery yet for Baby #2 and I probably won’t until after (s)he is born. Although, I may live to regret that decision… And time is moving fast but also I feel like I have FOREVER until my due date! Booo Braxton Hicks but yay for you and I having the same Starbucks order – Oprah’s Cinnamon Chai Latte!
Haha! Babies can sleep in a laundry basket, so the nursery is probably last on my priority list. It’s going crazy fast this time, but I’m sure as I get more uncomfortable time will stop in it’s tracks!