How Far Along? 28 weeks. Hello, third trimester!
Baby Stats: Baby is the size of an eggplant, or about 2.5 pounds. She’s also about 14 inches long!
Weight Gain: 15 pounds (up 4 pounds since last month). I’m still tracking better than I was during my first pregnancy at this time, so I’ll call this a win.
- The Braxton Hicks contractions are still frequent, but they’re slightly less furious than before. I had a really, really bad evening of contractions a few weeks ago – as in, I was about two minutes away from driving to the hospital. Thankfully, after a ton of water and going to bed early, I started feeling better. I now spend most of my days trying to not over-do it, and failing miserably.
- As of this week, C2 is head down!
- My eyesight has gone from poor to downright terrible. I can’t even watch television without my glasses anymore.
- I need to pee every time I stand up. It’s great.
Cravings: I live on sparkling water, chai tea, chocolate brownie Cliff Bars, and hot fudge sundae Pop-Tarts. Oh, and sea salted caramel Talenti Gelato. Baby C2 has a definite sweet tooth.
Preparations: This week’s doctor appointment was way more eventful than I expected (or remembered). I expected the glucose test and blood draw, but I wasn’t prepared for the TDAP shot or the packet of hospital pre-registration and labor details. I also wasn’t prepared to start scheduling appointments every two weeks, because how in the world am I that far along already?!
DOB: Another thing I wasn’t prepared for this week? BOOKING THE C-SECTION! Baby C2 has been scheduled with the same doctor who delivered Dorothy. And, if things go as planned, she will officially be a June baby. This whole scheduled c-section thing is glorious (and far less stressful than my first one!). You can also bet I am scheduling a blow out, pedicure and a possible pre-natal massage for the day before. 😉
Big Sister: Dorothy is testing all of her boundaries. Meltdowns, attitude… you name it. She ignores me 98 percent of the time when I ask her to come to me. That doesn’t grate on my nerves at all.
Basically, she’s a typical 2.5 year old.
Dorothy also decided to start potty training this week. Yes, SHE decided. She told us she needed to go on Sunday, and then she proceeded to pee in the potty… all day long, like she was a pro or something. Monday, she woke up and peed in the potty again… and then failed miserably at school. I would say she’s interested about 60 percent of the time, so… we’re half potty training right now? I don’t know. She gets the concept at least. Not having two in diapers would be nice, but I’m so physically tired. We’ll see if she keeps this up.
Momma: Like I said before, I’m just consciously trying to slow down. I saw photos of myself from a guard contest this past weekend, and I have to admit that I can see why everyone is worried about me going into labor early (seriously, the band director and Mr. Cotten both made me research the nearest hospital). I definitely look seven months pregnant… so maybe I should start treating myself like it.
Countdown to my next patio beer: 11 weeks
Six Months BUMPdate // Five Months BUMPdate // Pregnancy Details // Baby C2 Announcement
Erin LFF says
You look so great! 🙂 I love that our due dates are so close so I can compare notes 😉 Did you have braxton hicks this early with your first pregnancy? I had a few a couple weeks ago which totally freaked me out- but haven’t had any since. I thought it was too early!!! HAH! I have that “eventful” 28w appointment next week and I’m not looking forward to all of that either!!
Samantha Cotten says
Thank you! 🙂
I started having Braxton Hicks later in my third trimester during my first pregnancy, however I’ve had them since early in my second this time! Apparently it’s normal for them to come sooner after your first?! So crazy!
Lisa says
I feel ya on the sweet tooth thing… Give me all of the sweets! (But I blame the baby, I’m sure (s)he’s the one who wants it all.) I start weekly appointments next week and can’t believe I’m already that far along – yikes! And I get to do the lovely Group B Strep test, so wish me luck on that one! I’m glad you’re still feeling good!
Samantha Cotten says
Wow! Weekly appointments mean you so close to meeting Baby! 🙂
Also, Easter candy goes on sale next week. I’m looking forward to that!