So, remember that time when I have tons of things to blog about… yet I can’t make myself log on to WordPress during nap time?
Yeah. Summer is a bitch.
Oh, and remember the time that my sister finished her summer law clerking and is starting her final year of law school, and decided that we should all go to Walt Disney World… in 5 days?
It kind of went like this.
Grace told my mom they should go to Disney next week to celebrate her lawyer-ness. Since that is totally logical. Mom doesn’t understand Disney. Mom randomly comes to my house and suggests we all go… or just her and Grace go… or just Grace and I go and she’ll watch Dorothy… and just… figure it out. *and exit*
What does that even mean, Mom?!
I wasn’t going to go. Taking my almost two year old for four days at WDW sounds miserable… since we didn’t last two hours at the Indianapolis Zoo. Then I realize I’m either stuck in my house watching Disney movies all day long, or I’m stuck in a Disney hotel watching Disney movies all day long and at least I would have access to a pool.
So, I plan it. Booked.
And my youngest sister realizes no one invited her, she’s offended, and she wants to come too.
So then I spend half the next day adding her to the trip. And then I have to ask for an additional room because we realize four adults and a toddler who goes night-night when it’s still daylight outside in one small room sounds like a nightmare for whoever gets to accompany her.
Anyway! If you ever need a Disney Vacation Planner, I again highly recommend The Mouse Your Way. Tim and Jenny totally dealt with my family’s crazy, impromptu, ever-changing trip with total professionalism. Plus, Tim (or Mr. Sayler, as I call him) was my third grade teacher… and that makes me feel ancient.
Did I mention that our cousin, Justen, scored us tickets to Universal? Harry Potter, I’m coming for you.
I’m totally stressing about this. Like, I might need medication and ample amounts of wine. They sell wine by the bottle in Disney, right? My kid doesn’t handle this kind of stuff well, and *heavy breathing*, I have to put her on a plane with other people. So, if you happen to be on a flight from Indy to Orlando next week and suffer through two hours of screaming toddler…
I’m sorry. Try not to hate me.
What does my husband say (who isn’t joining us on this trip)? “At least you’ll have something to blog about.”
Thanks, husband.
What I’m trying to say is… don’t expect a ton of blog posts any time soon. Unless, of course, I catch the writing bug while trapped in a Disney hotel room. More than likely, I’ll just explode your Instagram feed with the House of Mouse. Because, I love Disney. I just hope my kid can handle it.
Tips for Disney with a toddler who hates the stroller? I’m considering buying a kid leash.
Don’t judge.
Lol “at least you’ll have something to blog about” too funny. Have a blast in Disney sounds like a lot of fun… Maybe Dorthy will surprise you on the plane and trip. Can’t wait to hear about it.
Yes they sell alcohol at Disney! I believe it’s the “adult dessert” haha.
I can’t wait to hear about your trip! Have fun!!! Please share any tips you have after flying and doing Disney with Dorothy! We’re taking Mila in November and I am seriously dreading the flight. I’m hoping she’ll do okay in the parks but we’ll see I guess. (And a side note: Mila hates the stroller as well, but we’re taking it regardless. I’m thinking that the combination of all that’s going on around her and the heat will tire her out and she’ll succumb to the stroller… fingers crossed!)
I’m so nervous about the whole thing, but I keep reminding myself that she’s not the first toddler to fly and do Disney. We will survive (hopefully!). I rented a stroller from Kingdom Stollers, and I really did buy a harness today. Im that mom. I’m hoping that by allowing her to walk/run with the harness, she’ll pass out in the stroller. Haha!
YOU GOT THIS! OMG this sounds sooo much like my family! Just set your standards VERY low and then you should be able to exceed your expectations no matter what!!
Well… how’d it go?