Last month I shared with you my latest favorite thing, Stitch Fix. If you missed it, click here to learn more about the service and how absolutely fabulous your life will be if you sign up.
I didn’t take the time to blog about my first Fix. I kind of wanted to check it out before recommending it to everyone I know. So, technically, this is my third Fix… but to you my second Fix…
Anyway. Who cares. It’s still awesome.
The theme of my 2nd/3rd Fix is “small.” Everything was just a little too small, which is pretty frustrating if you’re six weeks postpartum, but I take some of the blame (only because my stylist this go-round was adorable). I didn’t update my style profile with new sizes. The designers selected for me appear to run small. And I’ll blame my stylist for the skinny jeans.
Let’s get started.
#1. Sugarlips Aaliyah Velvet Zig-Zag Fit & Flare Dress
Cute dress. I mean, who doesn’t love a funky chevron? But there are three things that really turned me off about this dress:
1. Too small AND too short.
2. It was partially velvet. Now, I don’t hate velvet, but it leads me to…
3. Too fancy (I guess?). I just couldn’t picture myself having any place to wear this dress. Maybe if I went to more fancy dinners, or plays, or you know… left my house at all.
#2. Uttam Crosby Floral & Dot Print Tie-Neck Blouse
My stylist sent this to me because she saw on my Pinterest (yes, the stylists actually stalk you to figure out your style) that I have a love for polka dots. I think she may be confusing a love for polka dots for my board titled, “Dot.” You know, for my daughter… who is named Dot.
Anyway, I actually did love this polka dot & flower thing. Too bad I couldn’t move my arms in this shirt. Like, I really thought I was going to have to purchase this shirt when I couldn’t get it off. Thankfully the husband saved the day by pulling it over my head while saying, “How did you even get this on?!”
#3. Chris & Carol Strathmore Striped Hi-Lo Knit Shirt – KEEP
Oh-so-cozy! Soft like a sweater, but extremely lightweight. Okay, so this may be a little “inside my box,” but it was a great price AND it fit. Plus, let’s be honest, this fits my lifestyle right now. Pretty sure my daughter would love to spit up on the previously pictured velvet dress.
Oh God, I’m a mom.
#4. Sugarlips George Corduroy Blazer
I wanted to keep this. I’m kind of in love with a good elbow patch right now. The emerald green color (much brighter in person than in my photo) is a little different, but something I would also consider a neutral.
Again, too bad it didn’t even button. I did ask my stylist to send this in one size larger in my next Fix, so be prepared to see it again.
#5. Just Black Carter Skinny Ankle-Length Jeans
Skinny jeans? Six weeks postpartum? Didn’t even go over my hips. Queue blow to my self-esteem.
I did like the color of these jeans. They are much more blue/green than how they appear in the photo. But that’s really all I can say about them since I couldn’t put them on. Ugh.
I think I left some good feedback for my stylist after this Fix. Meaning, I’m starting to feel confident in what I’m looking for in each box and can better express it. Yes, stuff was a little too small this go-round…but I think we’re starting to figure out my style. And that’s a plus.
For my next Fix (No. 3/4?), I’ve asked for brighter colors (everything I receive seems so dark!) and some accessories. We’ll see what Stitch Fix comes up with!
Did anyone else receive their December Fixes yet? Tell me what you thought! And if you haven’t signed up yet, just do it.
Okay… you convinced me! I just finished signing up!!! That blazer is fantastic!!!
As for skinny jeans postpartum, try skinny jean leggings. Those things saved my life after I gave birth. I could still rock my boots (Van is also a winter baby), but add some style too. My favorites are from Express. In my opinion, all Express jeans run a little big, which make you feel even thinner when your size is too big on you. Also, at six weeks postpartum, I think you look fantastic. Seriously. Unless I knew, I wouldn’t think you just had a baby. Good for you