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After writing about my inspiration for Dorothy’s big girl room this week, I decided that there was no time like the present to get started on the crib-to-bed transition. I have been seriously worried about this process for a long time, because I was absolutely SURE it was going to be difficult. My kid does not know how to sit still. Why should I ever believe that she would lay in a bed when nothing was stopping her from escaping?
Deep breathing.
I had purchased the above toddler bed months ago for $15 from our local Trinity Mission Thrift Store, and my mom gave it a fresh coat of paint. Instead of going straight to the twin, I thought a “trainer bed” would be a good place to start. I moved the crib out of the way, pushed the toddler bed in, threw on some random bedding and VOILA! A big girl bed fit for her mishmash of a room!
Dorothy was so stinking excited about this bed. Unexpectedly so, perhaps. The whole time I made dinner the night of the dreaded transition, she sat on her bed and “read” a book to herself. I attributed this rarity to God playing a mean trick on me, by giving me a little false confidence that she would only get up 300 times that night instead of 302.
Mr. Cotten and I put her to bed as usual that night, and waited outside the door for her to come out. We were fully prepared to put her back to sleep all night long, because nothing is ever easy with our kid. We waited… and waited… and waited… AND NOTHING HAPPENED. She never got out of her big girl bed. Not once then, and not once yet! I had to actually go get her the next morning, because she was just laying and talking in her bed.
This means potty training is going to be a bitch, doesn’t it?
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If you remember, I wasn’t overly thrilled with my last Stitch Fix. I do have my July Fix scheduled, and plan to keep that shipment, however I am interested in exploring a new monthly clothing box just to mix things up.
Has anyone ever used Golden Tote? I have read some good reviews, but I’m hesitant to make the leap. What is your favorite monthly box subscription, regardless of theme? I want your recommendations!
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New. Life. Motto.
Pretty sure I need this amazing print tacked to the wall in front of my desk.
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Look at me never giving a Fourth of July recap. What kind of blogger am I?! Actually, there wasn’t much to report. Mr. Cotten and I tried to have a festive little holiday with D, but it all kind of fell flat. Nothing goes as planned with toddlers.
We took a little back road Jeep ride to the tiniest of towns, New Richmond, for their Fourth of July Festival. Unfortunately we didn’t get out there until nearly nap time, which meant it was only 45 minutes before we had a full on meltdown and had to go home. Dorothy did get to ride a pony (which she loved), and jump in the bounce house (which she loved even more). In fact, she loved jumping so much that we couldn’t get her to come out of the inflatable. I had to keep paying for her to bounce until she got close enough for me to pull her out by her legs.
Did I mention that the entrance to this thing was built for sizes toddler through 8-year-old? There was no way my momma butt could get in there, even if I wanted to.
We did purchase exactly three fireworks for that evening, knowing that Dorothy would either love it or hate it. She hated it. I got burned by a sparkler. No one had fun.
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Let’s end this five by wishing my dad the happiest of birthdays this weekend! He’s one of the best around. Happy birthday, Dad! We love you!
So glad to hear the transition went well! I am so worried that our transition will be a disaster, but this makes me have some hope for success! And a $15 bed?! That is just amazing! It’s a super cute bed too!
A co-worker of mine does Golden Tote and she said she loves it.
I am so scared for the toddler bed transition…waiting as LONG as possible before we make the switch. Hoping to get at least another year in…so far she hasn’t tried to escape (mostly because we keep her in a sleep sack), and she hasn’t complained…so happy that yours went well!
Mommy for the win! Way to go!