Before Dorothy was born, I spent a lot of time putting together her navy and coral nursery. I had specific paint colors, and matching sheets, and custom-made decor. I wanted everything to be just so when we brought our little bundle home, and it was. It looked as if Etsy and Pinterest exploded.
Then we moved.
Now, the poor kid’s room is a mishmash of her former nursery and her toddler mess. Nothing matches, and nothing goes. There is no theme. Stuff is everywhere because her nursery organization system no longer makes sense (and because, if we’re being honest, her toys have taken over).
During the Operation Orange Elimination of 2014, I decided to have Dorothy’s room painted a neutral white. We had just moved, I didn’t have a plan for her room, the painters were already here, and white was a better option than the blinding yellow that was formerly on the walls.
I’ve been putting off the big girl room, simply because I wasn’t ready for the crib to bed transition. As it turns out, Dorothy is ready. I caught her mid-escape this week. Another few seconds, and she would have been on the ground. And suddenly, Dorothy’s big girl room has been moved up to priority #1 on the home projects list.
If you follow my Pinterest boards, you’ve probably seen some of my inspiration. I’m about 90 percent certain I’m going with some sort of modern princess theme, but then I see a Pin that makes me change my mind for half a minute and suddenly I’m back to square one. Damn you, Pinterest. If all goes to plan, I would love a room that could grow with her.
Here’s the direction I’m headed… at the current moment…

My parents have already purchased and painted an antique Jenny Lind twin bed, so this will be happening.

…until I saw this. Now I want a blue princess room. Maybe. Can Pottery Barn Kids just come recreate this for me?

I’m also loving this bedding from J Crew. Does it come in King size? Momma wants a princess bed too.

D is definitely getting a dress-up area, like this one from Simply Klassic Home, complete with a leaning mirror.

I’m also loving the idea of a tone-on-tone mural for a feature wall. It helps that Grandma Kathryn is an artist and could whip something like this up in no time flat.
Of course, she’ll need decor and curtains and a rug… and a job to pay for all of it.
But there it is! Dorothy’s big girl room inspiration! 20 months, and moving on up in the world. Let’s see how long this project takes… Note to self: this post is motivation. Get your kid a proper bedroom, Samantha.
Oh, did I mention that this room will probably be temporary? Our house has four bedrooms – the master and D’s current room on the main level, and two bedrooms in the basement (a walkout with lots of windows). So, when any siblings should come along, Dorothy gets to move downstairs. I’m half tempted to move her now, just to avoid redoing her room again in the next few years, but I don’t know that we’re I’m ready for that step yet. We shall see!
At what age did you transition your kid from a crib? Anyone else design a princess room for their daughter? Does anyone else have the urge to make their master a princess room, even though the husband would surely disapprove?
I love the idea of a blue princess room! Very cute ideas! We’re in the process of creating a big girl room as well. We’ve got the bed, the bedding, and a paint color picked out. Now we just need to get moving with the painting and the decorating. Mila will be 2 in just under 3 weeks. We’ll probably move her towards the end of summer. Good luck when you guys make the transition!
Thank you! It’s daunting, isn’t it? Dorothy won’t be two until the end of October, but she has pretty much outgrown the crib. I think we’ll start with a toddler bed, and then move to the twin size. Good luck to you as well!