My life has been a whirlwind for 17 days.
Why, you ask?
It’s 100 percent due to this craziness in my front yard.
You see, 16 showings in 17 days will make you lose your mind. I’m in a constant repetition of cleaning every square inch of my home, hiding any evidence of the fact that three people DO actually LIVE here, and praying my cats don’t decide to use their litter box (or my floor, for that matter) during a showing.
As if that’s not enough to worry about, let’s add a 9 month old to the mix. She really loves to wake up, mid nap, and drive aimlessly around Carmel for an hour.
The last 17 days have turned our quiet little home on the cul-de-sac into a madhouse (seriously, one showing had SIX cars in my driveway). However, I’m now happy to announce that we’re one small step closer to adding a “Sold” sticker to that stupid sign. Yesterday, while out to lunch during showing #16, the heavens opened up and showed us some mercy.
We have a freaking offer, people.
That’s right. I just signed a purchase agreement. This is happening.
But, as you know from reading this blog, our lives are anything but ordinary. We would never get a normal, straight up offer. Oh no, that’s not how the Cottens do. No, we get an offer that is contingent upon the buyer selling their home in the next 30 days.
So if they don’t sell their house, I don’t sell my house… which in turn means I can’t offer on a house for us to move into until the contingency is removed. Like the title states, we’re halfway to homeless.
Even better? While we live in limbo, my home is still available for showings.
Have any of you had a similar experience? What can I expect? Let’s here your best real estate stories!
Oh hun that’s great yet sucks at the same time! Hang in there hopefully this chaos will be over for you soon.