It’s been a day or two since I participated in the Friday Five, so let’s get to it! Linking up with Karli and Amy today!
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I’m getting old.
Or I’m losing my mind.
I was talking to my mom about Christmas shopping the other day. I have barely started, but that should soon be remedied (see below). My mom, on the other hand, said she was pretty much done and she had even bought for my birthday.
I just blank stared her.
I completely forgot about my birthday.
My birthday is my favorite holiday. As a day-after-Christmas baby, I usually celebrate birthday MONTH. This year, I hadn’t even considered that I’m about to be another dreaded year closer to 30. WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Commencing birfday celebrations, now!
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It’s IKEA weekend, boys and girls. Brace your wallets.
My girlfriends and I, we do our semi-annual trip to Ohio right. An overnight stay that includes IKEA, outlet malls, wine bars and a giant antique center. One of these times, our husbands might tell us not to come home because we’ve spent all of their money.
Worth it.
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I wrote about my newest obsession, thredUP, last week. Have you checked it out yet? Because I’m pretty sure this week I’ve already bought my daughter the above Kate Spade romper, Crewcuts bikini and Crewcuts summer dress for next year.
And some stuff for myself…
…but obviously I needed it… I mean, it is almost my forgotten birthday month.
If you’re new to thredUP, you can click on my link and get a free $20 applied to your account. It’s easy, and it’s free money. For designer clothes. There is nothing that beats that, friends.
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At the risk of starting a mommy war…
Pretty much since the day Dorothy turned two, she also decided she doesn’t like napping every day. I’m lucky to get her to nap 3-4 times a week, even though she is clearly tired. When she does nap, she sleeps a good 3 hours. When she doesn’t, she’s a mess.
Yes, I’ve tried “quiet time.” She yells, “MOMMA!” every 5 seconds like Stewie on Family Guy.
Yes, I’ve pushed back her nap time.
Yes, I put her in jammies (a straight jacket, but that’s a post for another time). She drinks milk. It’s a full night-night time routine.
Two year olds surely aren’t old enough to give up their nap, right? RIGHT?!?!
*bag breathing*
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That’s it. That’s all I have today.
Happy Friday, friends!
Ikea trips are the best!