How Far Along? 32 weeks.
Baby Stats: C2 is the size of a squash, or about 4 pounds. She’s also about 16.6 inches long!
Weight Gain: 20 pounds (up 5 pounds since last month). Comparatively, at 33 weeks with Dorothy I was up 30 pounds. So… I’ll take it.
- I’m plain exhausted. But, I also have a 2.5 year old. I think those things have a direct correlation.
- Baby feels really, really heavy in there. My ultrasound yesterday confirmed it. While she hasn’t “dropped” yet, she is definitely buried deep into my groin and taking up a lot of room.
- I kind of feel like a backwards turtle. Getting up from laying down, or even off the couch, is incredibly hard to do with a bowling ball on your stomach.
- My feet and hands are starting to itch. It’s nowhere near the intensity of my encounter with PUPPs last pregnancy, but every time my toe itches in the middle of the night I get paranoid.
Dr. Appointment: Good news! My placenta moved up on his own! So now, I don’t have to worry about potential bleeding or bed rest from a low-lying placenta. Baby C2 is head down and face down (which was not the case with her sister), and she has a TON of hair. The ultrasound tech actually couldn’t believe all the hair we could see “blowing in the wind.” She’s measuring in the 56th percentile, which is totally normal, but it seems hilarious to me since Dorothy was consistently in the 98th-100th percentile for height and weight. Maybe we’ll have a small baby this time!
Preparations: In case you missed it, the nursery is finished! The high school both Mr. Cotten and I coach for (him – track & field, me – color guard) was on spring break last week, so we took advantage of our free evenings to get all of the baby gear out of storage and wash it. I also scheduled a blow out with my hair stylist for the day before my c-section. Priorities, people. So, outside of purchasing some formula and packing hospital bags, we’re basically ready to go!
Big Sister: Dorothy’s world is about to be rocked, and she knows it. She’s definitely acting out – specifically for me. Complete meltdowns, testing boundaries, clinging to me… you name it. She also has started hitting when she gets mad, but so far she’s only hit me. Yeah, big sister prep is going well. Not.
I also threw in the towel on potty training. I never wanted to start in the first place, but if you’ll remember, Dorothy suddenly decided SHE was ready. We gave it a good three weeks, including the three day potty boot camp, and really Dorothy was only interested 60 percent of the time. We were going through Pull-Ups like they were diapers, because she doesn’t want to stop whatever she’s doing to go sit on the potty. She’d still rather pee her pants (except at school, because they must have some sort of magic that makes her want to use the big girl potty). So, I’m done. Eight months pregnant is not the time to try and potty train, and I can recognize that.
Momma: I am blissfully naive about what life with a toddler and newborn will be like. I have zero anxiety about my c-section, and secretly almost look forward to the hospital stay. I have gloriously blocked out all of the challenges of having a newborn in the house.
Pretty sure my world is about to be as upside-down as Dorothy’s.
On another note, this weekend is the final competition of the season for my color guard. Of course it’s the largest event of the year – WGI Winds World Championships in Dayton, OH. If everyone could just start sending me good thoughts now, I may have a chance at surviving three days on my feet at 32+ weeks pregnant with 30 high school students.
Countdown to sleeping on my stomach again: 7 weeks
Seven Months BUMPdate // Six Months BUMPdate // Five Months BUMPdate // Pregnancy Details // Baby C2 Announcement
32 Weeks // 31 Weeks // Pregnancy Details
Soooooo glad to hear you say you are looking forward to your c-section. I had a traumatic birth with my first that resulted in an unplanned c-section. I had to have a c-section with my second, and while I would have preferred a vaginal birth, I took full advantage of 3 days in the hospital and needing round the clock help with my 2 year old for the first couple of weeks. I even joke to my husband that I want to have a third just so I can get a break for a couple of weeks.
And don’t be scared, having two is easier than you think.
Woooohooo for your placenta moving! Mine was low and then moved too, so that’s always a relief! You and your bump look great! <3