So, #MomFail time.
I had planned for Baby C2 to “bring” Dorothy a gift to the hospital. Kind of like a, “Hi there! I’m not so bad! Please like me! Don’t freak out, big sister!” thing. And for the last month or so, I’ve pretty much stressed about this. I mean, what do you get a 2.5-year-old in this situation?
Do I buy her a dainty $300 gold heart necklace from the jewelry store that she’ll cherish when she’s older?
Or do I buy her a $4.99 Barbie doll that will go swimming in the bathtub and get covered in Playdoh?
For the record, I went with the Barbie.
So Barbie was hiding out on a shelf in our pantry closet. That’s where I hide everything – Santa Claus basically lives in that closet. Dorothy never, ever goes in there, so it has been the perfect hiding spot for 2.5 years now.
Until last week when Dorothy starts asking incessantly about a “princess in a box.” And I had no idea what the hell she was talking about.
So the little stinker walks away, and comes back with “princess in a box”… aka Barbie.
As if that wasn’t enough of a #MomFail (you know, finding her Big Sister Gift two weeks early), I decide to add to the trauma and try to take it away.
And I mean, MASSIVE.
Through her tears, Dorothy gave me the biggest sad lip and wailed, “BUT I LOVE HER.”
In summary, Dorothy won this round by giving me the face pictured above. #MomFail.
Also, she appropriately named Barbie “Surprise.”
But hey! At least I was on the right track when I picked the Barbie over the expensive necklace! *face, meet palm*
The new Elsa and Anna Barbies are hiding safely at the top of my linen closet… I think. Did the baby bring a big sibling gift in your family? What type of thing did they bring?
Big brother got superhero pj’s and a t-shirt when he became a big brother. Saying you’re my hero!
Now 5 and almost 3…it’s true. My youngest says his favorite athlete is his brother.
We also had a fun box of special toys/games just for him for when we were busy with the baby. This included a DVD, some new crayons, books, etc; that were just for him. Ultimately, he loved his brother quickly and we didn’t have a huge issue.
We made sure to emphasis how special being the big brother is and when he got to do special things like sleep over at the Grandparents without his brother we made a big deal out of it.
We did a bag of his favorite treats, a movie(which was a life saver for some peace & quiet), and a little toy camera so he could take pics of his new baby!