Completely and totally “inspired” by the lovely Erin @ Two Thirds Hazel
FIVE things I’m doing this weekend:
1. Rejoicing over my husband’s return from his company retreat in Denver. Five days alone with a teething toddler is much, much more than I can handle. As evidenced by her first black eye… I don’t even know what she fell into, but I would say she was pretty successful at beating herself up.
2. Baking a smash cake. If you remember my cooking skills, nothing can go wrong here.
3. Relaxing in my brand new (to me) hot tub. Oh wait. No I’m not, thanks to a no-show electrician.
4. Throwing a little first birthday party for Princess D. I mean, it hasn’t consumed my every minute this week or anything…
5. Mixing up a little caramel apple sangria in celebration of my parental survival, and enjoying it with my best girlfriends. Boom.
FOUR pins I’m loving right now:
THREE shows I should probably reacquaint myself with:
1. Grey’s Anatomy – I haven’t watched a new episode in two years, and last night I decided to tune in for the last five minutes. Callie splitting from Arizona?! WTH happened when I was away?!
2. Parenthood – I was a religious Braverman fan, and somewhere along the way I fell off. Now I’m hearing the end is near for Joel and Julia, and Zeke was in the hospital… So, so behind.
3. Scandal – Okay, I’ve actually never seen this show, but I’ve heard nothing but awesome things. Knowing what I know about Shonda Rhimes? It has to be amazing.
TWO things I’m looking forward to:
1. The hubby actually planned a little date day for us. We are the proud owners of two Monon Bell tickets – which is only exciting because I have actually never attended a Wabash College football game (despite living in the Ville for the majority of my life).
I’ll take what I can get in terms of dates at this point.
2. IKEA with my ladies. Momma needs a rug… or six. Does anyone know of a good winery near West Chester, OH?
ONE quote that defines me (at the moment):
1. “Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.” – SATC
Love me some Carrie Bradshaw…
Happy weekend, everyone!
Umm yea did you know it was the farewell season of Parenthood. It shattered my heart because it’s basically the only show I watch religiously