Stats: 31.8 lbs. and 36 1/4 in.
Clothes: Girlfriend. You’re in 3T pants, and 4T shirts. You wear size 7-8 shoes, and you are extremely particular about them. You don’t pick out your clothes yet, but you most definitely pick out your shoes. You’re partial to your Freshly Picked moccs, and these neon floral shoes that match absolutely nothing you own.
Nicknames: D, Dot, #dbunny, Buns
Sleep: You get a solid 11 hours every night, from 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. You’re still napping once per day for 2-3 hours. Napping isn’t as easy as it used to be – meaning that there are several days a week where you don’t sleep at all in there. I still leave you in your crib for awhile so you can “rest.”
Momma might cry when you officially give up your nap.
Favorites: You love your Legos (as evidenced by your Lego Princess birthday party), Disney movies, reading books, and your kitty. You love all tractors, combines, and trucks – and declare that they are all your Papaw’s. You love trains, dress up and would color forever if we would let you.
Other Fun Facts:
– You eat like a bird. I always give you a variety of food, hoping you’ll eat, and normally you barely touch any of it. You do have your favorites, though. You love apples, peas, ketchup, Pop Tarts (you call them “cookies”), oatmeal and raspberries. You request noodles for breakfast at least once a week, and it’s a full-on struggle to get you to eat any sort of meat.
– You started “school” this fall. You didn’t even cry the first day, when your teacher got you out of your car seat. We had a rough couple weeks after that, but now you practically jump into Miss. Shannon’s arms twice a week. You love everything about school, and that makes me so proud of you!
– We’re hoping school will help your talking. You say a lot of words, but you don’t make sentences. Momma and Daddy know what you’re saying most of the time, but normal people don’t know that “lalada” means iPad in Dorothy/Minion speak.
– You started dance class at Poppy Jim and Grammy’s studio, The Talent Factory, this fall. You LOVE to dance! We had parent observation time last week, and you were showing off your toddler skills with Aunt Madeline. However, you have a meltdown every single class because you seem to think Momma is going to abandon you there. Aunt Marigrace has to pry you off of me while you’re kicking and screaming, but once you’re back in the classroom you’re all smiles.
I think you’re doing this on purpose, just to make me feel guilty. I appreciate that.
– I think you’re on the verge of potty training. You ask to sit on the potty several times a day… but you have never actually gone potty on the potty. Once of these days we’ll get serious about it.
– As always, your daddy is your hero.
Happy birthday, Dorothy. We love you – always and forever.
This is so adorable. I love these updates. It will be great to look back on these as she continues to grow. Beautiful photos!
LOVE these photos. Dorothy is adorable! And she’s so tall!