Friends, we’re in the final countdown.
T-minus THREE WEEKS until Baby C2 enters the world. We’re counting days here, not weeks anymore. DAYS. And, truth be told, I’m slightly freaking out.
It’s not that anything else needs done before C2’s arrival, but in my mind I keep adding stuff to the list. Like, I decided last weekend to have a garage sale this weekend. I’m 36 weeks pregnant, and sorting/pricing/staging our junk. What is wrong with me?!
One item that I “need” to handle before Baby Day is this here blog. Knowing me, the blog will be entirely neglected in 21 days. Something about giving birth and handling two daughters will probably get in the way for awhile. So, with your help (and my scheduled post mania), I’m hoping to not go totally silent over my self-imposed maternity leave.
My goal was to have a whole advertising structure implemented by this point. That didn’t happen, and it’s not going to happen in the next three weeks. #bloggerfail. But, LUCKY YOU! That means I’m providing this opportunity for free.
I’m looking for 5-8 guest bloggers to take over Cotten Tales while I’m busy baby-ing. Not a blogger, but love to write? I’m cool with that, too. I’m preferably looking for posts that are about motherhood/parenting, DIY projects, or local events/businesses (Indiana/Indianapolis area). Or if you just have a really great post idea, shoot it to me. I’m not picky at this point.
Want free exposure? Here’s your chance. I’ll publish one guest post per week, and I’ll even throw in all the social media promotion (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). I just ask that you return the favor!
Get in touch with me at, or through one of those social media badges on the sidebar by May 18th. Let’s work together!
I think it would be cool to have your mom and dad do a blog. They could talk about when you were born or funny stories about you growing up. I sent them a text suggesting it. Lol