*This is a “sponsored” post, but you can be sure all opinions are my own.
My husband is kind of a health nut. He’s that guy who goes to the gym nearly every morning, always has a crazy workout plan, and tries to eat as clean as possible (outside pizza, of course).
I like wine. And Doritos. And full-blooded (read: not diet) Coke. Add in the fact that I’m a self-diagnosed exercisephobic, and you could probably say I’m the least health conscious person you know.
It’s true. Opposites do attract.
Something we both have in common, though, is our outright hatred of the grocery store. Because we hate it so much, it has always been a monthly occurrence in our house. Yes, I said monthly. Between this and yesterday’s post about the current state of my house, I am sure my mother has disowned me by now.
The problem with braving Meijer monthly is the fact that we never have fresh produce. Even as someone who is scared of most things green, I sometimes like a good veggie.
My least favorite food in the entire world is… brace yourself… lettuce. Specifically, as my friend Amber can attest, the white kind.
Yesterday, this was delivered to my front porch.
Green BEAN Delivery brings organic and all-natural foods sourced from Midwest farmers and artisans directly to your home. The company gives its members a year-round healthy alternative to conventional grocery stores, while supporting the previously mentioned local farmers and artisans. My dad is a farmer, so anything to support a local farm is kind of right up my alley.
In Indiana, Green BEAN Delivery services the Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Muncie, Anderson, and Columbus areas. I know not everyone is a Hoosier, so check the website to see if they deliver in your area!
There are several delivery options, but I personally signed up for a small produce bin ($35) that would deliver bi-weekly. I even got to choose my starting delivery date, and an invoice was emailed to me the day before the bin was dropped off at my front door.
So what does this green bin of goodies contain?
A whole lot of produce, that’s what. Here’s exactly what I received:
- 1 bunch – broccoli
- 3 each – Russet potatoes
- 2 each – yellow onions
- 2 lbs. – rainbow carrots
- 4 each – Valencia oranges
- 4 each – Gala apples
- 6 oz. – blueberries
- 10 oz. – sugar snap peas
- 8 oz. – Crimini mushrooms
- 1 bunch – collard greens
It’s like the healthy gods were smiling down upon me. Finally, a way for us to eat fresh foods without trudging to the grocery store. My only problem? I don’t know how to cook half of these things. Thankfully, there are recipes on the Green BEAN Delivery website! Looks like this momma is getting a little creative in the kitchen this week.
Know what the best part is? Green BEAN Delivery has graciously offered YOU, my readers, $15 off of your first order! Use the code 15CTml when you schedule your first bin to receive the discount (for new members and reactivations only). But hurry! The code will expire one week from today!
What do you say? Want to eat healthy with the Cotten family?
I’m impressed!!