I would tell you all about how I gave myself a mild concussion this weekend by slamming my head with the car door, but that would be embarrassing.
Who am I kidding? It’s all I have to share at the moment – possibly because I can’t remember anything else. Regardless, the ringing in my right ear is a constant reminder that my head really, really hurts.
Here’s the story.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis graciously gave the husband and I a private tour of their collections on Friday afternoon (only because the other two Blog Ambassadors were unable to make it). We were able to wander room after room of rare historical items with the museum’s Archivist, Jennifer, as our guide. We saw it all – vintage toys, world history artifacts, rare textiles, dinosaurs – all 120,000 items just hiding behind the museum’s walls.
It. was. incredible.
If you ever get the chance, take the tour. We spent a solid hour just talking with one of the resident paleontologists. A real life Ross Gellar. I had so many questions for a guy who gets to dig up dinosaurs for a living, and William was a genuinely cool dude who took the time to explain everything.
It ended up being a seriously awesome afternoon date. On the way home we grabbed some Scotty’s Brewhouse, and headed back to the Ville pick up D from my mom. Nothing crazy. I went to put some gas in my car, and that’s when my whole weekend took a drastic turn for the worse.
I smacked my head so hard with the car door that I can’t even tell you at which angle my head hit. I have no recollection of the actual incident, and didn’t even mention that it happened until we arrived home safe and sound (and I drove!). All I knew was my head hurt, and I went to bed super early.
When I woke up the next day, it still hurt. Bad. And my right eye wouldn’t open on command. Clearly, I was injured. What’s a girl with a concussion to do? Apparently my solution was to chug a Sun King Cream Ale and head to the Monon Bell. In 30 degree weather.
I’m a genius.
Anyway, we still had a good time. Wabash dominated. I just have popped more Tylenol in the last few days than I did after I gave birth. Beside the splitting headache, my right ear is ringing and my right eye still has a mind of it’s own. My family is clearly worried about me, because they’ve let me take as many naps as I want – not that I’m complaining.
But seriously. Who gives themselves a concussion? Only me.
I’m an embarrassment. Now I’m going to lay down.
Go to the hospital!