If you search for “surprise eggs” on YouTube, you will find literally millions of videos of people opening what are essentially Easter eggs filled with candy and small toys.
Dorothy is 100 percent obsessed with them.
She could seriously sit with her iPad and watch these YouTube videos for hours. I know this, because I have let it happen on occasion (because I am in serious contention for Mom of the Year). She legit loves them – particularly the ones that feature the Disney princesses or Olaf.
So, obviously Easter was right up her alley this year. If a two year old can have a favorite holiday, nothing will ever come close to Easter for Dorothy.
We spent Saturday morning at a local church for an Easter egg hunt. I specifically chose this event because it wasn’t going to be incredibly busy, and because they had different hunt areas based on age. Dorothy can be painfully shy, and I didn’t want her to be overwhelmed by a chaos of big kids running for eggs.
It turns out I had nothing to worry about, because the kid is a professional egg hunter.
Dorothy played the scared and shy card for approximately a nanosecond before she just took off. She would pick up each egg, shake it to be sure it was full of surprises, and throw it in her basket. Then, as if Mr. Cotten and I weren’t shocked enough by her sudden “surprise egg” competitiveness (she’s totally a Cotten), she went right up and hugged a creepy 6-foot-tall Easter Bunny.
I’m still stunned. I might even be a little scared of this bunny costume.
Of course, the “real” Easter Bunny went to work Saturday night – stuffing eggs and making baskets for both girls. It quickly became apparent that the Easter Bunny is also hugely pregnant and shopped the candy aisle accordingly.
If I don’t gain 20 lbs. in the next 9 weeks, it will be a miracle.
Dorothy woke up on Sunday to her Easter goodies and another egg hunt from the Easter Bunny. She also consumed an entire Cadbury Creme Egg within three minutes of waking up, so it’s safe to say that Easter was the best day of her little life.
I usually do a post about her Easter basket (see here and here), but this year I went really simple with candy, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and a paint book. The Bunny traditionally brings spring shoes in our house, so Dorothy also scored these cute gold sandals and C2 got her first pair of Freshly Picked crib moccs.
Okay. AND I snuck in a couple Disney Princess plushes (they’re on sale!). But that’s it. Promise.
Following our early morning excitement, we headed to church (which went much more smoothly than last year’s fiasco). Dorothy’s Sunday School class had ANOTHER egg hunt, and each kid received an impressive goody bag. Then we went to Easter lunch at my parent’s house…
…which was followed by EGG HUNT NO. 4.
Dorothy was over the moon. Did I mention surprise eggs are her jam? I actually made my mom keep all of that loot at her place, because just looking at my candy-covered countertop might give me gestational diabetes.
We ended the day with a visit from my in-laws (more goodies!). Dorothy’s Grammy and Poppy simply asked for one photo with their granddaughter, and this is what my kid produced.
Sugar. Overload.
How many eggs hunts did your kids have this weekend? Dorothy asked me when the Easter Bunny was coming again before she went to bed last night. HA!
you are one of my favorite mom bloggers. We all need down time, so stop apologizing for taking that time. It looks like Dorothy had a blast as any toddler should with candy filled eggs. We had a dozen or so hunts because once we find the eggs we hide them again (empty). this is almost as good as movies to get laundry and dishes done.
Also i love your Easter dress! Where did you get it? thanks!
I’m flattered! Thank you! Sometimes it’s hard to remember that we need down time, and that the iPad is okay (especially when all I want to do is sit on the couch!). I think we probably could have given Dorothy empty eggs and she would have been just as happy. She just likes opening and closing them, and talking about what colors they are! Haha!
My dress is a few years old, but I believe it came from Charming Charlie.
What a great Easter weekend! Anytime I can have candy for breakfast, it’s a good day, so me and Dorothy are on the same page there!
I love the idea of Spring shoes being part of the annual Easter basket- I’ll have to remember that!!
My grandparents used to take my sisters and me to buy new church shoes in the spring and fall, so I think that’s where I came up with the Easter basket tradition. It’s a great time of year for it, and we’ll need cute sandals soon anyway (I hope!).
It looks like she TOTALLY had a blast!I thought we were spoiled with 3 egg hunts, but 4 trumps them all! We kid individual M&Ms in random eggs at our house so it deff kept our little guy (1 1/2 years old) on the hunt for the surprise eggs.
Easter bunny looks a little cross eyed. Someone’s bunny tail in a bunch there, bun?
Isn’t he creepy?! It was a great event, but that’s quite possibly the worst Easter Bunny costume I’ve ever seen! :))