Was is just me, or was Labor Day weekend a big sigh of relief?
It just felt like a nice, slow weekend – even though we were constantly doing.
Yes, Mr. Cotten has been back from New York City for over a week, but this weekend it finally felt like he was HOME. Random house projects got accomplished (like cleaning the garage, washing the car, painting the kitchen, etc.). More projects got planned (more on Cotten Remodel Phase 2 soon!). I got to have a girl’s night away from home. We hosted some of our besties at our house for pizza and a playdate. We ate dinner with my parents and sister. We went to church. I rode bikes with my daughter (something she seems genuinely surprised that I am able to do!).
The weekend was energizing – with it’s lack of demand and abundance of family time. For the first time in a long time, I feel refreshed.
Come at me, fall. I’m ready for you!
Anyone else obsessed with Instagram Stories? Check mine out!
Friday evening I met my besties Kristin, Amanda and Bethany for the Chocolate Trail hosted by Noblesville Main Street. Basically all of the stores on the town square are open late, provide free chocolate, and for every business you visit you get a sticker on your passport. The more stickers, the more chances you have to win a prize at the end of the night. We’ve participated for years now – between the Chocolate Trail and Diva Night (basically the same concept, but with adult beverages). And every year we think it’s our time to win… and we never do.
Seriously. They hand out like 20 prizes at the end of the night, and we have never won a single thing.
But you can’t beat the shopping and company… and the wine at Matteo’s.
Saturday was a nice little family day – complete with washing cars, riding bikes, throwing balls and pooping in the potty.
You read that right.
I bought a whole bag of Disney princess dresses at a yard sale a few weeks ago, and have since been using them as potty training bribery. In our house, if you “make a yucky” in the potty 10 times in a row, you get a surprise. This weekend, Tinkerbell was that surprise.
Her face when she sees her new princess dress makes me freaking melt. So far we have Snow White, Cinderella and Tink… and I would say we’re 98 percent potty trained. One dress to go, and then we need a BIG surprise. Like…
Disney World? Oh wait. 😉
On Sunday, we decided while we were sitting in church that we should have some friends over for a little grill out. Normally, that’s not a big deal. I can whip up a little party on pretty short notice. But… Sunday was a little different.
When my husband was away for work, I decided I was going to paint my kitchen. As it turns out, there’s no time to paint a kitchen when you’re alone with a toddler and an infant. So, for the last two weeks, my kitchen has been like… 1/4 painted. I have had the paint can just sitting on the counter. Obviously this had to get finished before people came over.
And in three hours of kid-free time, it did. Boom.
By that point, though, our grill out became a, “We’re ordering pizza. Who’s coming over?”
I also took zero photos.
Yesterday we literally sat around at my parent’s house all day. Courtny went fishing. Dorothy went to visit Papaw Great. Mom made dinner. It was just… nice. Franny Belle was happy as a clam. Per usual.
And… that’s all I got.
How was your weekend? Are we all feeling refreshed and happy?
The kitchen looks great!! Nothing like a little free time and motivation. 🙂 And those princess dresses are the best potty training incentive I’ve ever heard of.
For $3 a dress, they’re perfect! And you’re right – nothing like an impromptu party to kick my butt in gear. 😉
I love that yall call it a grill out. Here in the “south” (Richmond, VA) We call them cook outs. Either way, as long as alcohol is involved, i’m there. Looks like you had an awesome weekend. Labor day is always my “sigh” holiday where I can look forward to fall and set my sights on the last (and arguably the greatest) part of the year.
You can get me anywhere if alcohol is involved! Ha!