Who in the hell let me buy so many newborn-sized clothes?!
No, really.
What made me think I needed so many tiny onesies for my 8 pounder?
Did she even wear these? Did I really buy all of this? Was I on drugs?
We’re idiots. Couldn’t we at least have tried to have kids in the same season?! Fleece sleepers aren’t going to work in July.
No one better show up to my house with more NB-3 month sized baby clothes. Consider yourself warned.
And why did I resist maternity clothes so long the first time? Did I think I was helping myself?
I think I’ve been wearing the same maternity leggings for a solid four months now.
I might never go back to regular pants, if we’re being honest.
How many weeks along am I, anyway?
Mental note: check to see what fruit my kid compares to this week.
I miss wine.
Show up to my house with wine. That’s a much better gift.
Do we think the toddler will let me sneak a nap this afternoon?
Ha. That’s a joke.
I got heartburn from a Pop-Tart this morning.
Yay, pregnancy.
Two and done. Two and done.
If you’re having a girl this fall, hit me up.
Boy, do I have the mother of all baby clothes hand-me-down totes for you!
But really. 15 newborn-sized sleepers?! *face palm*
Hey, it just means you only have to do laundry like once a week, instead of 2-3 times
Hahahaha! I love everything about this post. It’s like you’re reading my mind. I have no idea why I didn’t put on maternity clothes sooner last time! — Lisa | Naptime Chai
This is great! I’m 3 months along and wondering if I too will be thinking some of the same things!