Rug | Well Woven
When the world came screeching to a halt on March 13, our home became very small.
If you remember, four years ago we sold our 5,000 sq. ft. fully updated home in favor of a 2,500 sq. ft. fixer upper. The smaller space works for us most of the time. My husband works remotely from our home, and he has a dedicated office. Our girls have their own bedrooms. The sun room doubles as a playroom/art space. We are rarely all here together, with me working outside the home and now BOTH of our daughter attending full-day school. We don’t have a lot of space, but we have what we need.
But, it is safe to say that this house is a tad too small for maintaining two full-time remote careers while facilitating e-learning for a kindergartener and preschooler and also teaching virtual dance classes from the living room.
My husband has wanted to move his office out to our barn for some time, so we took the time (and money) to build one when our schedules cleared due to quarantine (more on that project someday). His “moving out” means I finally have a space of my own in our home.
And guys, it feels GOOD.
I am slowing putting together exactly what I want in my office, and if you follow me on Instagram you know I have been suddenly paralyzed by the choices. I really want this space to feel like me, because the rest of the house belongs to everyone else. It won’t be magazine cover perfect, but I can guarantee that this office will be filled with things I love. And hey! Maybe I’ll break out of my decor comfort zone a bit.
Here’s the inspiration…

Am I a little all over the place? Yes. Think eclectic mid-century plant lady, but instead of plants… the ocean. Does that makes sense? In my head it does. Kind of.
Stay tuned for more #MoCoFixer updates soon!
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