Guys, I could go on for hours about my favorite newborn things. So today, I just have to share the top five things I’m loving for baby Frances right now. Even though there are less than three years between my girls, I am always shocked at the “new” baby products I discover. Like, where was this stuff the first time around? How did I survive?
No, really. How did we live without the Rock ‘N Play?
Everyone says the Fisher Price Rock ‘N Play is an absolute must-have, but somehow we never had one when Dorothy was a baby. I wasn’t even planning to buy one for Frances, except I happened to see it as an Amazon Lightning Deal one day and decided we could maybe use it in our basement.
Seriously, that may be the best $50 I ever spent. Frances literally spent the entirety of the first six weeks of her life in that thing. She still sleeps in it at least part of the night. I have actually considered buying stock in Fisher Price, solely because of this item. You need it. Trust me.
Then there’s the Solly Baby Swaddle Blankets. When I bought my Solly Baby Wrap (which I also love), I added these blankets to my order to use in newborn photos. Dorothy hated to be swaddled, so I didn’t really expect to use them. We had plenty of muslin blankets, which I thought I liked well enough.
There is no comparison. Give me a choice between an Aden + Anais muslin blanket and a Solly Baby Swaddle and I will choose Solly every single time. One, they’re huge. Two, they’re super soft. Three, they’re stretchy. Four, they come in pretty colors. Five, I could go on forever. I actually purchased a second bundle a few weeks ago, and it was worth every single penny (we currently own Succulent, Coral, Berry and AJJ, but I certainly could use a few more!).
One thing I knew I wanted to replace with my second baby was our bottles. In my opinion, bottles should have a max of three parts because washing those bad boys is THE WORST. While helping my cousin register for her daughter (who is due this week!), I discovered the Joovy Boob bottles. So, SO easy to clean, and they have worked well with Frances’ sensitive belly. We have the regular PP version, but there is also a PPSU and a glass version that I may purchase when we get to the larger size.
Plus, everyone is always shocked that my bottles say “boob” on them.
And, because Frances takes a paci when Dorothy never did, we found ourselves in need of paci clips recently. The hands-down cutest clips I have found are from Madeline’s Box. They’re leather, and come in literally every color imaginable so that you can coordinate your kid’s outfits. Because people who are not me have time for that.
Oh, and don’t forget those Johnson’s Hand & Face Wipes. That’s one thing I carried over from Dorothy’s infancy, and I still can’t get enough of their smell! I recently bought Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Cleansing Cloths to use on non-bath days, and they’re just as amazing. Check them out!
Your turn! What are your favorite products for newborns?
The Rock n Play saved my actual life months 0-3. It was the very saddest day when I walked in and he had flipped himself over in there. I wish it could last forever, he got the best sleep in it!
The rock n’ play was our friend for a good 6-8 weeks too! Someone loaned us one and it was a lifesaver! Also, the Johnson wipes are awesome!!