So, I may have mentioned a few times that I have absurd amount of clothing. While I’m slightly embarrassed by the number of things I don’t wear that are still hanging in my closet, I would like to point out that at least I only have one closet. My husband, on the other hand, has filled two dressers, a closet, and is taking over part of mine.
He has a t-shirt problem. Seven drawers worth.
Instead of dreading spring cleaning as usual, I have decided to make the usually tedious task of going through my closet a party. A Clothing Swap Party, to be exact. Because, why not? Everyone likes free clothes…
…and wine.
The event isn’t until next week, but today I wanted to share my inspiration and the guidelines for hosting such a party. You know, just in case you decide to make your spring cleaning a social event too.
Oh, and if you decide to host your own clothing swap party, do let me know! I would love to feature your party right here on the blog!
Obviously, from the inspirational collage above, I’m going with a Sex & The City theme. Who has a more fabulous closet than Carrie Bradshaw? The answer is no one.
I’m planning on transforming my basement into a chic NYC-inspired boutique, complete with hot pink and black/white accents. There will be Cosmopolitans, there will be a fabulous fashion show, and there will be my best girlfriends. I should probably call the producers of SATC, because we’ll practically create a new episode next weekend.
There are so many themes and ideas you could apply to a clothing swap party. My suggestion? Be creative and have fun with it!
…or let’s call them “guidelines”…
1. Create a guest list
This is an obvious party of any party planning process, but don’t forget about a few key areas! When inviting your guests, make sure to have a variety of sizes and clothing styles. You don’t want five size 6’s, one size 12 and one size 0. That’s not fair to anyone. Also, don’t feel restricted by ages and styles! You never know what your guests may have to contribute.
2. Send invitations
Be sure to send out invitations to your clothing swap party well in advance (mine went out about 3 weeks early). You want to give your guests time to sort through their closets! Be sure to specify what type of items to bring (i.e. a specific season, all accessories, only good condition items, etc.), and suggest a minimum number of items. I would say 5-6 pieces at a minimum, but this is my first rodeo too!
3. Party time!
Have guests arrive an hour to an hour-and-a-half before you plan to begin the swap. This will give you, as the hostess, time to organize your guests’ clothing, and it gives your attendees time to have some appetizers and a cocktail or three.
Set up an area in your home to look like a boutique so that shopping feels natural to everyone. Target has some great $10 garment racks for dresses and shoes. Use flat surfaces for folded items. Create clever ways to display accessories. Just have fun with it!
Be sure to have a dressing room area near your boutique. Whether you designated a bedroom or bathroom, or curtain off a corner in your dining room, give your guests a place to go try on their clothing in private (if they choose!).
To begin the swap, have each guest pull a number. Take turns picking items, so that one person doesn’t get all of the good stuff. Once each guest has shopped a few rounds, open it up for a free-for-all. We’ll see if this type of organization happens at my event. I’m doubting it.
4. Following the party
Have a plan for the clothing that doesn’t get selected. Donate it to a local thrift store, take it to Goodwill, or attempt to sell it online. Whatever your plan, just keep in mind that you’ll probably have a good amount to get rid of the next day.
There you have it! My inspiration for a good old fashioned girl’s night clothing swap party! Check back in a few weeks for a recap of my SATC-themed event.
Anyone interested in hosting your own clothing swap, and possibly having it featured here on the blog? Shoot me a message!
Can’t freaking wait!!!!!!!
I really like this idea, and I think I’d like to do a kid’s clothes version of it, since you know, they outgrow it very fast!
That’s a great idea! I also thought about hosting a maternity clothing swap in the future. I haven’t worked out the details, but it would be nice to pass along those clothes once I’m done having kids!