Blogging is hard.
I think every blogger has gone through this burnt out / no ideas / nothing to write phase recently. Like, why spend precious nap time blogging when I could be mowing my yard in the sunshine? New. Favorite. Chore. Or, why spend my evening with my laptop when I could spend it with my husband and a patio beer?
It’s not that I don’t have anything going on, it’s just I don’t have anything going on. If you know what I mean.
Here’s a little catch up / photo dump. Everybody needs cute #dbunny photos.
| Big Girl Room |
The Big Girl Room is officially underway! The walls have been painted, the chandelier has been hung, and Dorothy’s new twin bed will arrive this week. Everything is slowly falling into place, and I can’t wait to share it with you all.
Oh, and remember when the crib-to-bed transition went flawlessly for a whole week? Yeah. I remember that time fondly too.
Turns out, week two is when she discovered she can get up.
Some days are better than others. Some days she goes right to sleep, and others we put her to bed EIGHT times before 10 p.m., once at 3:30 a.m., and finally give up at 5:45 a.m. We’ve made some adjustments, including bumping back bedtime to 9 p.m. to make sure she’s good and tired, but we’re still in the learning phase. As I’ve said many, many, times – nothing is easy with toddlers.
| Zoo |
My mom and I decided to take Dorothy to the Indianapolis Zoo last week. It turns out (after nearly $40 in tickets, $6 parking, $7 Cokes and a $5 lion drink to tame the toddler), we should have just stayed in Crawfordsville and went to the Milligan Park Splash Pad… for free.
Dorothy couldn’t have cared less about the animals (even though she LOVED the animals at the county 4-H Fair the night before). All she cared about was that splash pad.
Oh, and I added to my Mom of the Year nomination by leaving her extra outfit in the car. So I just wrung out her romper and put it back on her…. backwards.
Eh. We tried.
| And Everything Else… |
It really does feel like I should have more to report, but I don’t. We’ve just been enjoying a lot of family and friend time. But it’s summer, so there isn’t anything wrong with that.
Oh, and we’ve been prepping for #CampCotten2015. Because that’s about to be awesome. What? No one else throws an adult summer camp for all their friends? More to come.
Oh, and I may have thrown myself back into the marching band world for the next few weeks. When it involves color guard and the Indiana State Fair Band Day, I just can’t say no.
Oh, and… okay that’s really it. I think. Probably not.
Now that you’re sufficiently caught up from my lack of posts recently, help a momma out. Have any ideas that you’re dying for me to write about? More #dbunny? Because that, I can do.
I love day-in-the-life posts from bloggers! Just an idea!