I had big plans for this week… originally.
With it being the last week before the Cottens officially become a family of four, I wanted to schedule in lots of quality time for Dorothy. But, true to second child form, life is not slowing down around us in the final days before Baby C2’s arrival.
It’s Indiana track & field regionals week – and Mr. Cotten had three athletes qualify for the state championships. My sister-in-law is graduating from high school this weekend, so there’s the commencement and the open house (followed by more open houses for more track & field seniors). It’s the week of the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 – which is completely sold out for the first time – so the remote thought of going into the city this weekend with 400,000 of our closest race fans kind of makes this preggo queasy. Even our eight year wedding anniversary took a backseat this week.
We just haven’t had a lot of time for anything special. Plus, my original idea of a family zoo day now sounds like pure torture – nearly 90 degree temperatures, lots of walking and 38+ weeks pregnant. No.
Luckily, two years olds are easily entertained. So while I wasn’t a total SuperMom this week, I think I made our sweet {almost} big sister pretty happy.
| monday |
I needed to run errands. Dorothy requested “Red O.” So, instead of simply going to our local grocery store, I made the 45 minute drive to Target because she is apparently a child after her momma’s heart. We shopped, we got apple juice at Starbucks and we had a little Chic-Fil-A lunch date – complete with ample time in the playground.
That alone pretty much made Dorothy’s life.
| tuesday |
Normally I would never consider taking my two year old with me to get a pedicure. But daddy was at a track meet, and momma’s toes needed serious attention, so she got to tag along with me and my bestie Lana.
Dorothy can be PAINFULLY shy. I fully expected her to just sit on my lap the whole time. So, obviously I’m still in shock that she let the guy not only pick her up and take off her shoes, but she sat still to get her toes painted.
We both got pink. You know, for our big sister/mom of girls status.
| wednesday |
The easiest way to my toddler’s heart? Take her to the pet store.
We needed cat food anyway.
| thursday |
My kid will do almost anything for candy. I literally have to bribe her with a jellybean every morning to brush her hair (and put it up in that terribly messy ponytail).
So when Grammy took Dorothy for a special trip to Periwinkle’s Candy Store after dance class, and treated her with a HUGE bag of candy that she got to pick out all by herself, well…
…just look at the face.
| friday |
What’s on the agenda for today?
But that’s sometimes a good thing, right? We’re going to relax, watch Disney movies, play toys and maybe even take a trip to the pond this evening to catch a few fish. There’s not a whole lot better than some slow motion family time.
And let’s get real – our lives will be anything but slow and relaxed for the next few weeks/months/years.
Happy Friday, friends! May your Memorial Day weekend be filled with remembrance, family and race cars.
Sounds like a full week! Enjoy the weekend and the end to the pregnancy! I’m sure you’re ready!
Tuesday Fashion Party Link Up
Dorothy laying in the chair watching her toes dry is too cute. Atta’girl!
Enjoy your busy weekend!!!