I would say our #dbunny had the best week ever. You know, in her little 1-year-old life. Let’s recap.
uno | Mickey Mouse
So, remember that time when the bestie and I took our girls to Disney on Ice last year? At 3-months-old and 9-months-old? At the time, I kind of thought we were insane. Who takes infants to Disney on Ice? Apparently these Disney-loving mommas will do anything to reminisce about Walt Disney World.
Looking back at that experience? We made that ‘ish look easy.
Taking the girls yesterday, at 15-months and 21-months-old, was purely exhausting. As in, I don’t think Kristin and I had a real adult conversation at all because we were too busy chasing/feeding/calming our kids. Thank God for date night and Devour Downtown coming up, or I would be having serious bestie withdrawals.
Oh, and if you’re wondering, we most definitely did not make it to the end of the show. But, I would say 90 minutes is pretty good for two toddlers.
And I think they loved it.
dos | TCMIndy
As if taking my daughter to Disney on Ice this week didn’t get me enough gold stars, we also made a little stop at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis with Aunt Grace.
In case you missed it, I wrapped up my stint as a member of TCM’s Blog Ambassador Panel yesterday. Check out all of my posts inspired by the museum on the TCM Blog, and right here on Cotten Tales under “Inspired by the Museum.”
tres | Let It Go
D and I watched Frozen twice in a span of like 48 hours this week. Why? Someone was so tired from all of our activities that she kept asking to go “night-night” at 6 p.m. I needed something to occupy her until at least 7 p.m.
Frozen is a godsent.
I swear, my kid stayed in one spot for over 45 minutes without moving. I can now see why some parents play this movie on repeat.
quatro | Nugs
I also allowed her to eat chicken nuggets and french fries way more times than I should have this week. And she’s turned on to my iced chai lattes.
Also, we’re almost out of fruit snacks.
cinco | Why?
Did I mention my husband was in New York City all week long?
I’ve discovered that it’s just easier to take our own girl’s “week off” than to fight every battle with a toddler. Judge away, but I think I cut our meltdowns this week in half just by saying, “yes.”
With that, I’m off to begin a good little weekend of my own. Drinks with one of my best girlfriends tonight, and a hair appointment in the morning.
Have a good one! Here’s to relaxing and looking fabulous!
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