You all know how this goes by now, so let’s get to it. Linking up today with Karli, Amy and Christina! And totally pulling inspiration (i.e. stealing) Christina’s “currently” theme today…
uno | watching
I let my daughter watch Frozen three times yesterday. THREE. Granted, we’re both sick, we couldn’t leave the house, and it’s too cold to go outside… but seriously. Mom of the Year, right here.
Screen time, schmeen time. At least she lets me snuggle her during the movie. I won’t even mention that we’re already on Frozen viewing number one today… Where are you, Spring?!
dos | wearing
So, according to yesterday’s general consensus, I should put together a little online resale shop. I’m working on it, promise. Stay tuned, details to come soon. But for now, here’s an embarrassing photo of the current state of my closet.
And that’s just one half of my closet…. and that’s not showing the amount of clothing on my floor… and I wear like 1/3 of these things.
Like I said. Working on it.
tres | eating
Fun fact: I was a Girl Scout in my younger days. Like, I was a legit Daisy, Brownie AND Junior – complete with the sashes and badges.
That means I was completely justified in buying five boxes of Girl Scout Cookies for myself, right?
quatro | reading
I’m finally reading the Harry Potter series (just finished Prisoner of Azkaban this week!). I realize I’m about 20 years late to the party, but I was too busy making fun of my sister for loving all things wizardly as a kid.
Dear sister, I’m sorry for making fun of your love for Hairy Potty. I kind of love him too now. Tell me he really doesn’t die in the seventh book like I told you he did?
cinco | giving
There’s still time to get in on this month’s group giveaway! It’s easy to enter, easy to win, and who wouldn’t want an extra $105 in their pocket?
After the week the Cotten house has had, we could definitely use some extra cash {read: potentially expensive flooring debacle, insanely high taxes and the realization that we’re never going on vacation ever again}.
I have never read the Harry Potter books either so let me know if they are worth it. And can I PLEASE come watch Frozen 3 times in a day with you guys? haha
I would LOVE for someone to keep me company. You know, someone who can carry on a conversation outside of, “Daddy, Kitty, Meow.”
I am sick and staying at home, too! Hope you feel better soon! Can’t wait for spring! And you are not the only one with a messy closet
Hope you and your lit’l girl feel much better soon!! Mmm, girl scout cookies!! Yeah, I think with all that Girl Scout history the calories won’t even count either
Have a fabulous weekend!